Sunday, January 10, 2010


A long time ago at a time when I was still trying to decide whether Easter bunnies and Santa Clause were actual beings or not, I read a book about a world where there were no laws of nature except for the expectation that nothing would ever happen the same way twice. One morning you might get out of bed and your feet would be on the floor, but the next you might find your self walking on the wall. When you poured the milk on the cereal you never knew whether to hold the bowl above the carton, to the side or leave it on the table, since you never could anticipate which direction the milk would flow from the carton or if it would flow at all. Obviously for my young mind it was riotous to travel through the pages of this book as it took me through a non-typical day in this non-regulated world, and it was even more fun to let my mind go wild imagining what the possibilities would be like if I were actually living and going about the events of my own day in such a 'world'.

On occasion I still allow my mind to slip into a make believe world, but at this time of life I find my mind traveling through a much different world than that of those years of innocence. Sadly much of the world of my mind today is just as unreal as that non-regulated world I slipped into at times so long ago.

I would like to take you into this imaginary world for a few minutes just to see if it might start you thinking of a more if only for a few minutes.

I think of a world where ideas are shared, neither for profit nor gain, but for exploring the paths which might lead us all towards greater degrees of joy.

I think of a world where 'I' and 'mine' give way to a world of 'us' and 'ours'.

I think of a world where we value one another not by the height of the summit of our stuff, but by the depth of our integrity.

I think of a world where a person's beauty is not measured by the shape of their features and figures, but by the dimensions of their character.

I think of a world where relationships are not determined by borders, but are made universal by commonality and oneness of our earthly family.

I think of a world where pigmentation, status, education and other prejudices no longer build walls to protect exclusivity, but that we awaken to the realization that inclusive variety will brighten and stimulate our mortal journey.

I think of a world where people are less inclined to fine humor in the gross and demeaning, but discover that there is laughter enough to be found in the silliness which attends our feeble and the fumbling attempts at trying to figure what it is all about.

I think of a world where individuals finally admit to their shortsightedness and lack of real understanding and are moved to increase their efforts in moving towards the next horizon and the exploration of the realities that can be found in the beyond.

I think of a world where the confining restrictions of one's own self assuredness; yields to the possibility that there are whisperings of the Spirit which can bring hidden treasures of knowledge to each of us.

When the snap back to reality hits me and I am once again in the world as it is, I always take just a minute to think about where I am in the process of incorporating some of these principles I have been thinking about in the 'desire' compartment of my mind.

Although I always find myself drastically wanting I'm usually able to practice living in that to a small degree if only for few moments at a time.

I am constantly aware of the inabilities, inadequacies, and limitations we have in causing changes in others, so my quest will continue to be to extend the Beautiful World I sometimes think about into just a few more minutes of reality.

I would love to hear some of the 'thinkings' from the desire compartments of your minds, so that I could think about them and who knows, maybe even practice them for a moment or two. Who knows? If we all think about it long enough and practice some of these 'thinks' for a moment or two we might just wake up one day to find we indeed live in a Beautiful World.

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