Sunday, June 26, 2011


My son Troy and I were recently discussing how readers of the parables have a strong propensity to see themselves in the role of the protagonist and others filling the role of the antagonist in these delightful allegories the Savior was so fond of using as a teaching tool. As we continued our discussion, in most instances we were able to find abundant interpretations of the parables which often varied perceptibly from the common view.

I understand what Joseph Smith was trying to teach when he said that the interpretation of a parable would be most correct if we first identified the group and situation which existed as the parable was being taught.

I also feel that the Lord was giving us an additional key when He told His disciples that they who had ears would hear and they who had eyes would see, giving us a strong indication that the parables might be understood in different ways as His listeners gained clarity of hearing and seeing though an increase of gospel insightfulness.

With this latter premise I enter the shaky ground of an interpretation of the parables based on the various players and props He used in what I consider to be fathomless anecdotes with countless messages.

As I attempt to put some order to this interpretive investigation I will rely on the sequence given to the parables as found in ‘Our Lord of the Gospels’ compiled by J. Reuben Clark, Jr. Because of the extensive use the Savior made of this teaching method I will write about only a few of those parables where roles and props lend themselves to multiple understandings so that His parables don’t become an endless source for my thoughts. On second thought, maybe that isn’t all that bad of an idea!

Building a House on Rock or on Sand – Matthew 7:24-27

Elements of parable: Wise hearers and doers of Lord’s sayings – Foolish who neither hear nor do Lord’s sayings – Rock – Sand – Rains – Floods – Winds

Rock – The one constant which we must be/find through continual development of a deepening of our understanding of His sayings until we come to that level of understanding we mortals are capable of obtaining through the help of His comforting Spirit. We will only begin to build upon this solid foundation when and if we arrive at that point when we begin our journey of being truly converted.

Sand – During our days of mortality we will continually be surrounded by sand and dust storms which create numerous parcels where most of us are willing to build our houses because the land is inexpensive and abundant. From out of every corner the voices of the world cry out that this or that piece of shifting ground is where we should build our house. There are many of us who with blinded shortsightedness spend our life’s resources building glittering gingerbread castles which will crumble into rubble as the storms descend.

Rains, Floods and Winds – Mortality would not be a time of testing if there were no tests. We were not sent here to spend our years in hot house environments forever shielded from the buffering elements. We were planted on the ocean’s cliffs where we would be exposed to all the forces of nature. The Lord assures us that as we stand solidly on the rock upon which He has planted us, facing the adversities which surly must come for the test to be real, following His sayings we will always stand and in the strange miracle of His plan be made stronger as the rains, the floods and the winds beat upon us.

Wise Hearer and doer of Lord’s sayings – Most of us immediately identify ourselves in this role, believing that we both understand the word and are fulfilling it in all diligence. We spend many moments of our lives wondering why the stability of our house is often shaken by even minor sprinkles and weak breezes which calmly come upon our house. We fail to realize that the materials hastily gathered and casually put together, often purchased at bargain prices and assembled in haphazard ways would also contribute to the destructibility or indestructability of our edifice. Yes the foundation is important to the stability of a house, but we also must be ever diligent in our efforts as we carefully construct our own house on that solid footing.

Foolish non-Hearer’s and non-Doer’s of his Sayings – My suspicion is that all of us have found ourselves cast in this unfavorable role more times than we really want to admit. There are times when the distractions and commotions of the world are so intense that it is almost impossible to hear His sayings. Sometimes we hear with a degree of understanding, but the path seems to be on a steep incline or the way too filled with obstacles and we soon find ourselves on a divergent road which seems much easier to traverse. Many times we begin to build anew not realizing that we continue to build upon a sandy lot offered by merchants who are out to make a quick buck and have no interest in the lasting stability of our houses.

We should energetically pray that we, like those who heard His words in those long ago days, will be astonished at His doctrine, recognizing the authority with which He taught and have the wisdom to fittingly build our houses upon the Rock of His sayings.



  1. Bill,
    As with the scriptures, your weekly thoughts, written to us all, always have something in them which speaks (or may speak) to each of us individually.

    On 6/26/2011 8:31 AM, Bill Riley wrote:
    > I understand what Joseph Smith was trying to teach when he said that the interpretation of a parable would be most correct if we first identified the group and situation which existed as the parable was being taught.

    This is insightful and I can only agree. However none of us belong to any such group. Yet we have the scriptures. The Book Of Mormon was hidden away for centuries for us. The Bible, assembled such as it was over years, has been preserved for us. Unable to hear the parables as spoken; even uncertain as to how condensed the version we have received may be, we have these parables. We, in this case are the receiving group; "understanding the group and situation which existed as the parable was being taught" does not diminish the fact that these parables are the few among many which were preserved for us.
    Now as to my own understanding of the scriptures: "We hold these truths."
    I can fully understand those who profess no reverence for the scriptures. I not only understand, but am sympathetic to the many who pick and choose those which they credit. I also apprehend, as I have come to understand prejudice and bigotry in every part of our civilization, those who dismiss the truths of the scriptures totally. That sort of close minded certainty not only curbs but eliminates the myriad of opportunities that this world affords for beauty, truth and shared joy. I cherish those parables which I am able to hear, understand and which instruct and inform me. That isn't all of the parables, but I am open (or try to be) to hearing Truth in any and all of them.
    I am distracted by life and am often unattentive. God please open my mind to You wherever You reveal Yourself.

    Paul Maddox

  2. Thanks dad. I was reminded of this again this week as I was mindlessly scanning through my 120 channels when I happened upon a "born again" preacher. She comforted her throng by assuring them that they need not fear because they had turned their life over to Jesus. To quote a sand, "Doubt is uncomfortable, certainty is ridiculous." -Voltaire

    Troy Riley

  3. Hi President Riley,

    I believe there are no coincidences. Today as I was reading a Liahona's article, I saw your message. What a surprise when I realized both, (the message I was reading as well as your message) were talking about "build upon the rock" You'll find the message here: Liahona May 2006 - As A child - Elder Henry B. Eyring. I quote "We are safe on the rock which is the Savior when we have yielded in faith in Him, have responded to the Holy Spirit’s direction to keep the commandments long enough and faithfully enough that the power of the Atonement has changed our hearts. When we have, by that experi- ence, become as a child in our capac- ity to love and obey, we are on the sure foundation"

    well I just wanted to share tis experience with you. Have a nice day!

    Diana Marcela Guevara Jimenez

  4. FELIZ DIA DE REPOSO PTE, He tenido la oportunidad de imprimir algunos pensamientos suyos y los he obsequiado a algunos amigos, tambien los he compartido en algunos mensajes que he dado a la congregacion, espero que no se moleste por ello, sus pensamientos me han ayudado y me han dado fortaleza en los tiempos dificiles.

    Gracias por esos pensamientos y por enviarlos cada domingo y a mi hermana por traducirlos

    Con Amor Edna Liliana Vega Castrillon

  5. Bill, thank you for sending me your Sunday insights. Good treatment of the parable of the houses built on the rock in the sand. I appreciate me on your mailing list. I hope to see you at the temple in the near future.

    Jack Rushton

  6. I have the privilege of teaching the 10-11 year old Valiant class in Primary. Our studies this year have been on the parables. As we have discussed them, I have repeatedly asked for guidance from the Lord on how to instill the ideas behind these learning experiences, to make them more in tune to how and what they can profit from these teachings.

    Recently, we were talking of the Good Samaritan, complete with each child having a role during a role play scene. Each child was assigned a specific role, with me being the “beater” to a trouble maker being the one who was beaten (no, I did not beat upon him.). We had a Levite, a priest, and a Good Samaritan. As we went through the “play”, my thoughts were turned to an experience I had years before, when I was Primary president. I had just gotten into my car, with my mail in hand, and was headed to Portland on an errand. On the side of the road was a small family – a father who had tatoos all up and down his arms, wearing a leather vest and had a goatee beard, with a chain from one belt loop on one side linked to the other side. The mother was young, with a small baby in her arms, and a little 2 year old child standing beside a broken down car. As I passed by, the Spirit prompted me to go back. I thought, “Are you kidding me?”, but I did. As I pulled up and asked if they wanted help, the woman began weeping and the man’s shoulders shook trying to control his emotions. They asked to be taken to a gas station just about 2 miles down the road and near their home, where they knew the mechanic that could help them. When we arrived at the gas station, the father jumped out to find the mechanic. I turned back to the wife, and said that if it was only gas that was needed, we could put the gas can on top of this little newspaper between the seats. The newspaper was the Church News. Again, the young mother cried. She explained to me that she knew what that newspaper was. She was an inactive member of the church. As they were stranded by the side of the road, she prayed earnestly that someone would come by to rescue them. She relied on the teachings of the Primary teachers and her mother to pull her through that crisis. And her prayer was answered – by me.

    I related this experience to my Primary class, to listen to the Spirit, as they may be someone else’s Good Samaritan some day. The following week, one of my boys had a talk in Primary, and he related that story to the older kids. It was nice to know that my testimony didn’t fall on deaf ears, but they actually heard with their ears – and their hearts.

    Lorena Brown

  7. Espero y leo con ansias sus mensajes, pero solo los he compartido con tres personas. Muchas gracias........

    Esther Marino de Navarro

  8. yo lo comparto con mas o menos 12 personas

    Alfonso Guiterrez

  9. yo he enviado todos los que me ha enviado desde el primer dia a unas 12 personas.


    Que el Señor le bendiga por su incansable deseo de hacernos mejor cada dia

    Wilson Enrique Perez Rodriguez

  10. Brother Riley,
    Thank you for including us in your "Thoughts."
    We appreciate your insights.

    Ed Petersen


    Mi presi, personalmente yo los guardo en una carpeta y muchos de sus pensamientos los he utilizado para mis discursos, pero compartirlos con otros amigos no lo hecho, en alguna ocasión envie algunos de sus pensamientos al Pte Marquinez, el es el pte de la Estaca Pasto, no se si se acuerda del Elder Marquinez el sirvio con Usted, tambien es pastuso

