Sunday, August 28, 2011


My shelf of things I don’t understand continues to be piled higher, is filled to the brim, overflowing and only occasionally am I able to take an item down, dust it off and carve a bit off of a bulky piece.

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand

Why is life’s curriculum so varied for the offspring of common Eternal parentage? Why do some glutton upon porcelain with golden forks while others search cans of filth for morsels to sustain? Why are some comfortably clothed with silks in mansions while others freeze upon their cardboard mattresses clothed in rags?

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand

Why is education abundantly provided for some and withheld from others? Why do some enjoy the production of their own hand while others consume the labors of generations past? Why are some provided with the miracles of modern-ness while others linger in darkened decades? Why is the progress of some repressed while others are propelled upon speedy tracks?

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand

Why do some have minds which are bright and quick while others seem to be dull and slow? Why do some have mortality long beyond their allotted three score and ten while others have their lives pass in shortened terms? Why do some enjoy freedom from pain and sorrow while others suffer throughout their sojourn?

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand

Why do brothers and sisters seek their own benefit at the detriment of others? Why are we who seek to have bounteous tables content to leave scraps for others? Why is my thought right, leaving all other choices to be wrong? Why do I think I see clearly and consider my brothers and sisters blind? Why do I seek to make my limited understanding dominate earth and heaven alike?

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand

Why do I go through life seeing only darkly through the glass? Why does the light of future events have such limited extension? Why do I not receive more obvious intermittent grades but must wait to know how I did until the Final? Why do I allow the view of others to supersede the comfortings of the Spirit?

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand

Why do I let the cloudiness of the future interrupt my concentration on today’s loving relationships? Why do I let a reckless thoughtless moment destroy calendars filled with joyfulness? Why do I feel such a need for being comforted and so little need to comfort? Why do I consider ‘me and I’ more powerful positions than ‘we and us?’

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand

Why do we refuse to find commonality in theories, philosophies and revelations choosing to concentrate on differences? Why is it so difficult for some to see the hand of a Creator and others to value knowledge beyond man’s meager attempts as naught? Why do some brush away principles with the cloak of mystery while others feel that man has the capability to understand all?

They do not come like lightning springing from the ground
They will not come because I demand it so
They come as gifts from Heaven whispering gently to my soul
Answers come in that moment when Father knows I will hear and understand


  1. These issues need be given scant heed;
    For surely good is given it's due,
    We are among the "chosen" few.

    Now there are those who weep and morn
    They are among the chosen born;
    Yet there are few do more than weep,
    For they their wealth, they want to keep.

    Now I for one in comfort live.
    A pittance to the poor I give.
    And I indulge my feelings deep,
    While I my wealth and comfort keep.

    Paul Maddox

  2. Queridos hermano y hermana Riley:Hoy me ha dejado meditando mas que otras semanas anteriores.Estamos en la edad de los Porque<porquer,...,porque!.Gracias por sus magnificos pensamientos semanales.

    Armando & Graciela Gomez

  3. Many thanks for your insıghts. İ am now in Turkey, findıng it beautiful. I am especially enjoying coming to feel the abundant kindness of the Islamic people. Hopefully the prejudices so many believe back home can be expelled as İ share of their gentle hospıtality. İndeed. we are kin more than not.

    Do take care.

    Bonnie Lynn

  4. Thank you. That is beautiful. Questions I often wonder about myself but put so much more eloquently. (I also wonder where is Jimmy Hoffa buried or is he swimming with the fishies.) Wish I could be at your intro only class.

    Joyce Wolfe

  5. Very interesting thoughts my friend. I want your answers to a few right now.

    have a great day.

    Clark Smith

  6. Loved this thought for today.

    Thanks, Janice Bagley

  7. So beautiful. Thank you.

    Sharon Cocanour

  8. Thanks for your beautiful writing and insights. I liked the analogy about eternal truths – "they don't come like lightning out of the ground!" How true that is.

    Jack Rushton

  9. "Thank you for the beautiful birthday message. I love the thoughts you send out on Sunday and I miss your lessons. Hope you are doing well."

    Sue Ellen Hall
