Sunday, December 11, 2011


The existence of the Eternal Universe, the birth of a baby, Lazarus coming forth, medical advancements, feelings of comfort from the God of love and peace; these things and many more are MIRACLES to me!

The placing of Isaac upon the alter, a toddler’s first step, Adam’s willing step into mortality, healings, Peter’s declaration ‘thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God’; these things and many more are ACTS OF FAITH to me !

The abundance of Job which surrounds me, a grandchild’s hand touching my cheek, the Samaritan’s kindness to a stranger, health, guidance of scriptural passages; these things and many more are BLESSINGS to me!

The annunciation of Gabriel to Mary, children kept from harms way, guidance to Jacob as he slept, a loved one’s smile, those promised to surround and administer; these things and many more are proof of ANGELS to me!

The descending of Moses from the mount, a child’s innocent testimony, spiritual stirrings as living prophets guide, anointing’s and sealings when ill, those whom the Lord has promised to be among us; these and many more are PROPHETS to me!

The metamorphous of seed to tree, the journey of babe to adult, the leavings and histories of ancestors, cells and cosmos, seeking to know a little of the mind and will of God; these things and many more are important KNOWLEDGE to me!

The regular attention to devotion, teens kneeling beside their beds, the mount of transfiguration, expressing gratitude, Wise men coming from afar; these things and many more are forms of WORSHIP to me!

The Lord’s submissions to his Father’s will, a missionary’s bowed head, thoughts which greet the rising sun, pondering for understanding, a silent thanks; these things and many more are PRAYER to me!

The Atoning Sacrifice, cooking a little extra for the widow next door, a prayer offered for another’s sake, watching more carefully over Mother Earth, the feeding of the thousands by the shore; these things and many more are SERVICE to me!

The closeness of the twelve to the Savior, eternal marriage, a phone call from a friend of long ago, caring for all of earth’s created, drawing closer to Heavenly Father; these things and many more are important RELATIONSHIPS to me!!


  1. "Hi Bill haven't heard from you in such a long time. Hope you're doing real well, so you will be ready for Santa. :>) Can't wait for tomorrow to read more of your thoughts, they always pick up my early morning spirits and then I can study them longer throughout the week. Sort of like studying for a Sunday School lesson. :>)"

    Erma Neff Ward

  2. PERFECT!!! Have a Merry Christmas! God bless you both!!

    Dianna Andrea

  3. Thank you for taking the time to do these. I enjoy reading them each Sunday.

    Michael C. Bewsey

  4. Loved it. We see miracles and acts of faith and blessings and angels
    every week as we attend our meetings with "boys turned missionaries"
    here in Sao Paulo. Such a sweet, sweet experience! Gosh, they are

    Hope you are well, feeling good, and enjoying the Christmas season. I
    still miss your classes, but I guess I'm going to have to survive w/o
    them! Thanks again for everything you've taught me through your
    lessons and your example! You're so good!

    Debi Woffinden

  5. Bill, muchas gracias por compartir una buena reflexión con perspectiva.

    Alexander Ospina Rubio

  6. Thank you Bill for sharing. Sometimes we just mUST write down our thoughts.

    Morrey Troutner

  7. Hola mi preseidente, tiempos sin saludarlo. Este pensamiento está precioso, como todos, claro! El hecho de que usted después de tantos años me recuerde y me tenga en cuenta, es una gran BENDICIÓN para mi. Mil y mil gracias.

