Wednesday, August 31, 2016


It is pretty sad – when you get to be so old – that no one can post one of those ‘do you remember?’ items – on social media – that you don't remember!!


Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Hatred – never has – never will – resolve problems!!


Monday, August 29, 2016


Did I realize when I wrote the final phrase – in last year’s journal – the ink I was using was indelible – and will forever be part of my story!!


Sunday, August 28, 2016


We live in a society that feeds on criticism. Faultfinding is the substance of columnists and commentators. There is too much of this among our people. It is so easy to find fault, and to resist doing so requires much discipline… the enemy of truth would divide us and cultivate within us attitudes of criticism which, if permitted to prevail, will only deter us in the pursuit of our divinely given goal.

It was in April of 1982 when Prophet/President Spencer W. Kimball gave these words of counsel and warning. As I reread his words this past week I couldn't help but wonder what he would think after these attitudes have prevailed, pestered and become more prevalent during another third of a century.

I suspect if Prophet/President Kimball would be saddened at the revelatory results of his statement, the Prophet/King Benjamin would wonder why the Lord’s voice of warning has been so universally rejected: But, O my people, beware lest there shall arise contentions among you, and ye list to obey the evil spirit which was spoken of by my father Mosiah. For behold, there is a wo pronounced upon him who listeth to obey that spirit; for if he listeth to obey him, and remaineth and dieth in his sins, the same drinketh damnation to his own soul. (Book of Mormon – Mosiah 2:32, 33)

I am sure the Prophet/Restorer Joseph Smith would recoil at the way current relationships are devalued and destroyed because the hearts of mankind have become so hardened. We not only reject the existence of God and the devil, but we continue our destructive march. We scoff at the warnings of ancient and modern scripture, which clearly state not only the author of contention, but the resultant condemnation which accompanies contentiousness.

I do not know what the heavenly abode of Spencer, Benjamin and Joseph allows them to see or to what extent they are aware of what is happening in the technologically driven age of the 21st century. But I am sure if they are privileged even a casual glance at the predominant interactions among the current crop of Heavenly Father’s children presently abiding on the planet; their eyes must fill with tears and such sorrowful words as, ‘why can they never learn,’ fall from their lips in almost silent whispers.

Those who proclaim opposition as well as those who claim to be partners in the political arena, fill the air with vile, contentious half-truths and lies concerning those who would stand in their way of obtaining a position of prominence in governing nations.

With such an example – how can we ever learn a better way!!

Those who have dedicated their lives to reporting through the media the current news, the world of the arts and the games of sport, strive to find dominance in their journalistic fields by stimulating derision and contention through asking the ‘hard’ questions. Ironically, many times the side of an issue they find themselves on is decided not by belief or truth, but the flip of a coin, much like high school debate sides are chosen by drawing a slip of paper from a hat.

With such an example – how can we ever learn a better way!!

It should not surprise me, yet it does, when I go to the social media pages I frequent, to find that even though most of the words I read are from those who account themselves as Christians and disciples of Jesus the Christ, all too often I am confronted with harsh, contentious words about anyone who might have a different point of view or who might have a different life style.

With such an example – how can we ever learn a better way!!

One of those virtues that is especially needed in our routine contact with others – with family, friend, members, and non-members – is the rare ability to accept people for what they are, while lifting them toward what they can become.

Whether dealing with devoted disciples close at hand, or publicans and prostitutes less familiar with such love, Jesus saw all of them as children of God. Some He knew were doing better than others. But all were in need of the higher, heavenly view He came to bring.
(Jeffery R. Holland –Ensign, July 1983)

With such an example – we can learn a better way!!

Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do. (Book of Mormon – 3 Nephi 18:24)

With such an example – we can learn a better way!!

And now my sons, I would that ye should look to the great Mediator and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life according to the will of his Holy Spirit. And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to captivate, to bring you down to hell, that he may reign over you in his own kingdom. (Book of Mormon – 2 Nephi 2:28, 29)

With such an example – we can learn a better way!!

And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter until the perfect day. (Doctrine and Covenants 50:23, 24)

With such an example – we can learn a better way!!

A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (New Testament – John 13:34, 35)

With such an example – we can learn a better way!!

It seems that as centuries pass and we advance in so many ways, we likewise seem to have a great propensity to stay the same. Just as it was in days of Benjamin who lived some 125 years before the advent of the Savior on the earth, in the days of Joseph who lived during the formative years of the nation of the United States of America and Spencer who lived during the time when many of us had come to earth to tarry, we still are confronted with the dramatic choice of how we will conduct ourselves in our relationships.

Do we make every encounter with those we deem to be friend or foe contentious and destructive?

With such an example – how can we ever learn a better way!!

Do we strive to make every meeting with those who mirror our lifestyle or those with whom we find little commonality one of edification through love?

With such an example – we can learn a better way!!

Saturday, August 27, 2016


It just might be – when we reach the pearly gate – the only question we might be asked will be – were the lives of your brothers and sisters – better because you were their??!!


Friday, August 26, 2016


At the end of the day – one of the frequent questions we shoulask ourselves – is the world a better place – because of what I did today!!


Thursday, August 25, 2016


Happiness cannot come to us from another’s efforts – no matter how hard they try!!


Wednesday, August 24, 2016


We alone have the power – to earn happiness for ourselves!!


Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Like so many of the wonderful things in life – happiness is not a gift – it must be earned!!


Monday, August 22, 2016


The perfect love – which John says will cast out all fear and hate – oft times feels like an elusive goal – but wonderful are the moments – spent in its embrace!!


Sunday, August 21, 2016


Back in the days when the various units and organizations in the Church spent a lot of time discovering, planning, organizing and participating in fund raising projects for budgets, organization activities, program costs and, if you go far enough back, building funds; we might collectively have been spending more of our time doing these projects than any other function in the Church. Sadly, these fundraising ventures often led to the superseding of those functions of a spiritual nature.

Our Church had for some time been a handy and available resource for the local merchants’ annual floor inventories. So it was not unusual for our congregation to unite on several evenings each year at various locations to take stock of the merchandise on the shelves.

It was a great blessing when the leaders of the Church made the announcement we would no longer be spending these vast amounts of time raising funds, but the great majority of our activity would henceforth be spent doing those things the Lord’s example demonstrated we should be doing.

Anyway, back in the day when such money raising activities were in vogue I found myself periodically in this somewhat unaccustomed activity. Although Kathleen and I have always enjoyed being together and our lives have unfolded in such a way that we have been able to spend an abundance of time pretty much joined at the hip; this was a particular fund raiser that definitely stretched the limits of creative dating.

On one of these special evenings, we along with many of our local Ward members were in a large department store doing the pre-tax inventory of the store’s stock. Since this was long before barcodes and readers, with clipboard in hand, I was, as per instructions ‘accurately’ noting the ‘exact’ count of each item as Kathleen laboriously counted them.

Shoes and shirts were easy, socks and slippers weren't too bad; but buttons and bobbles were impossible. I am sure there were those who, when counting buttons, did the ‘how many jelly beans in the large jar at the fair’ routine and gave an ‘educated’ guess. I am pretty sure the bar codes and readers which have taken over this task have improved the ‘accuracy and exactness’ of the inventories.

Another old tradition which has had to be adjusted with the changes and growth in the Church, is the annual interview we once had with our Bishop and Stake President where we could be guided through a series of questions which helped us take stock of our performance and progression. I don't think that changing this interview to every two years is an indication that we are probably better or more righteous people, but just a necessity and realization that Bishops and Stake presidents and now, in these more latter days, their councilors, have pretty heavy demands on their time and they still need to have time to do their stewardships as husbands and fathers.

Just as we have been left on our own to find spiritual activities to fill the hours left by the void in our lives when fund raising activities were suspended, I think it would be a great idea if we were to continue on our own volition at least annually to take stock of our personal progress and performance. If any of you are blessed with the same nature I am, it would probably be a good idea to have these ‘personal’ inventory interviews on a much more regular basis. Maybe monthly, weekly and sometimes daily would be appropriate for some of us.

When Kathleen and I were being interviewed for our availability to serve as a full time Mission President and Companion, Elder Lee preceded his worthiness questions with the following. ‘If I were to ask your children the following questions what do you think would be their response?’ I guess the reason he didn't ask what my spouse’s response would be was because she was sitting beside me at the time.

I found this to be an interesting way of deepening the experience of taking stock of one’s progress. I feel this technique should be added to but not replace asking ourselves where we might be in our personal progress.

Additional ways Elder Lee’s question might be asked might be:

If I were to ask your Sunday School class members? (If you are a teacher in Sunday School or any organization)

If I were to ask the members of your ward? (If you are the Bishop or some other leadership position)

If I were to ask your fellow workers? (Whether you are a fellow worker or a boss on some level)

I suspect we could add an appropriate question which might be applicable to every interactive relationship we might presently have.

I will borrow from the rich young man who came to the Savior feeling very good about himself and having taken stock of his progress queried ‘What lack I yet?’ (Matthew 19:20) It has always been of interest to me that it only took one short comment from the Redeemer for the young rich man to realize how much he was still falling short.

I almost hesitate to make a list of some of the phases of our stewardships we should be taking stock of, less there might be some who, having gone through the list, find themselves not wanting in any of these areas. I suspect a corollary thought might happen when we are given our recommend after our interview with the Bishop - ‘I must be doing really great since I have been found worthy to enter the House of the Lord.’ It is almost too easy to become self-satisfied in our earthly progression.

Therefore, I write the following questions as suggestions, which might be used as a starting list on our inventory clipboard and which should continually be adjusted and added to during our increased sessions of taking stock.

What lack I yet in my stewardships as husband and father?

What lack I yet in the area of always having loving, caring relationships with my fellow beings?

What lack I yet in understanding about and how I am treating my body as a gifted temple?

What lack I yet in meaningfulness when I attempt to communicate with my Heavenly Father in prayer?

What lack I yet in filling my life with His counsel found in the Holy Scriptures?

What lack I yet in showing my gratefulness for living Apostles and Prophets through studying and attempting to apply their utterances?

Looking back on where we have been, just like an inventory in a store helps the management to be aware of their sales, an occasional review of our personal history can be a wonderful indicator of how far we have advanced or come up unprofitable.

Just like knowing what is on the shelves in each department lets ownership know what they need to do to be prepared for tomorrows opening, when we more accurately and with exactness can measure where we currently are in our progress we will be better prepared for tomorrow’s challenges.

The further out ownership can have vision of where they wish to be in the future the greater understanding they will have of the steps which are needed for today and tomorrow. Likewise, the more vision we have about the everlastingness of Heavenly Father’s plan the greater understanding we will have of the steps forward we need to be taking today and tomorrow.

It would be a wise and beneficial thing for each of us, the next time we have a few of those moments of time which were freed up when fund raising was removed from our schedules, to spend some of that time taking stock of our progress by using the formula of ‘what lack I yet.’ And, we ought not to forget the many relationship angles from which we can approach this stock taking practice.

Saturday, August 20, 2016


Just because someone else – made a terrible choice – it does not give me license – to hate any of the posterity – of Adam and Eve!!


Friday, August 19, 2016


I am the only one who has the power to allow – another to take peace and serenity from my life!!


Thursday, August 18, 2016


If we are going to enjoy a life full of joy – we must absolutely refuse to allow hate and fear – to subdue the love our Heavenly Father has planted in our hearts!!


Wednesday, August 17, 2016


If we take our covenants – to be Christ like in our actions – seriously – we will resist the temptation to say ugly things about others!!


Tuesday, August 16, 2016


In all my searching – I have yet to find – in the words of our Savior or His Prophets – where we are told to speak ill of one another!!


Monday, August 15, 2016


If you want to minimize the grief – others bring into your life – maximize your efforts to bring – the Savior’s love into their lives!!


Sunday, August 14, 2016


Walking, Walking, Walking
Only to discover
I was in the wrong tow’n

Searching, Searching, Searching
Only to discover
I had the map upside dow’n

Looking, Looking, Looking
Only to discover
The lights were all turned low’n

Walking, Searching, Looking
I never discovered
How to find the crow’n

Because of my self-limitation on the length of my Thoughts and the fact that there are many more than two areas of understanding in my life where I have been retarded in my progress because I was walking in the wrong town, with my map upside down while trying to see it in a dimly lit area. I will now explore a few more areas where I hopefully have found a better town and have the map turned closer to being right side up and I am seeing a bit more clearly because of additional light.

Even before I entered into the Primary classes during Sunday School my mother and father had started to instruct me on the steps I needed to take to overcome the sins I was surely going to commit during my life. During the years I was working on my Master’s Degree at Brigham Young University I had the privilege of spending many hours being instructed by the great religious scholars of the day. I know one of the most enlightening and satisfying directional changes which took place during that time came from the understanding of how men had changed the principle of ‘repentance’ into one of ‘penitence’ for sin. There is no doubt than when Moses was sitting in the correct town, reading the map right side up with the brilliance of the light he had been given, that he taught ‘repentance’ in its true meaning; that being, the way to return to God.

Men over the ages fell short of the mark and eventually concentrated on teaching that ‘penitence’ was necessary for us to remove sin from our lives. We have all heard of the reminder of how to make right choices by thinking ‘what would Jesus do.’ As we examine his life we discover that He had no need to spend even a moment in the process of ‘penitence’, but spent His whole life doing the will of His Father or preparing to return to Him (Repentance).
Since those wonderful days spent with those marvelous men on the Religion faculty at BYU I have understood that the town I should be in with my map right side up and with increasing light, is to concentrate on doing the will of the Father. I even developed a personal spiritual formula. If I spend 100% of my time trying to do good I will have 0% of time left to do evil for which I need to give penitence.

I think you would have to search far and wide to find someone who has spent even a few years in activity in the church who couldn't mouth the words as someone recites the scripture found in Mosiah 2:17 of the Book of Mormon, where The Prophet/King Benjamin taught the people, ‘when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of God.’ I suspect this statement can and has been taught in many different ways while we have resided in many towns, with our maps at different angles and in varying amounts of life.

The town I have settled on and when I feel I have the map in its most upright position in the brightest of presently available light is that we can in no way serve God, since by his very nature he has everything, but it is His service we are in when we serve our fellow beings. I believe with all my heart that Benjamin had discovered that the true way to live fully the mortal plan of happiness was to be enlisted in God’s army of servers by serving others.
I remember one of the most powerful personal directional changes which happened in my life took place one day when I was reading in the Book of Mormon, the 7th chapter of Moroni. For the first time I suddenly felt I was walking in the right town, with my map properly aligned and I was seeing with enlightened eyes. I was reading what might be considered Moroni’s final words, which I have always felt probably contain for all of us what we think is of most importance in life. I realized that his remarks on charity and especially charity being the pure love of Christ, had nothing to do with things we bestow or the service we give to others, but was the ultimate end of our struggling with faith and hope.

What a wonderful town, how understandable the map, how bright the light. Just as the object of Hope, is to have hope in Jesus the Christ. Just as the object of Faith, is to have faith in Jesus the Christ. The object of charity is to feel the Pure Love of Christ. Just as Moroni closed his thought on faith, hope and charity, I too pray with all the energy of my heart that I might be filled with Hope, Faith and The Pure Love which is bestowed upon all who are true followers of Jesus the Christ.

I likewise pray that I will never be content with thinking that I have arrived at the ultimate town, that my map is without tilt and that I have found all the levels of brightness which His light has to bestow. I hope I will never stop walking, searching and looking.

Walking, Walking, Walking
Only to discover
I was in the wrong tow’n

Searching, Searching, Searching
Only to discover
I had the map upside dow’n

Looking, Looking, Looking
Only to discover
The lights were all turned low’n

Walking, Searching, Looking
I never discovered
How to find the crow’n

Friday, August 12, 2016


Joy – that feeling that fills our souls – when we overcome the separation – brought about by the Fall – and feel even for a moment – closer to our Heavenly Father!!


Thursday, August 11, 2016


There is no more absolute truth – than the universal kinship of mankind!!


Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Is my faith strengthened – because I pray and read the scriptures – or – do I pray and read the scriptures – because my faith has been strengthened??


Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Am I obedient to the commandments – because I seek blessings – or – do the blessings I have received – give me the desire to obey commandments!!


Sunday, August 7, 2016


Walking, Walking, Walking
Only to discover
I was in the wrong tow’n

Searching, Searching, Searching
Only to discover
I had the map upside dow’n

Looking, Looking, Looking
Only to discover
The lights were all turned low’n

Walking, Searching, Looking
I never discovered
How to find the crow’n

It has been said in many different ways, such as ‘I was climbing the ladder of success only to find it was leaning against the wrong wall.’ I think my favorite words on the subject come from the Doctrine and Covenants section 95: verses 5, 6. Verily I say unto you, that there are many who have been ordained among you, whom I have called but few are chosen… in that they are walking in darkness at noon-day.

There have been many times in my own life and I believe I have observed it in the lives of those with whom I have tarried, that it is not the lack of effort we expend, but the object and direction of our efforts which cause us to fall short of our intended goals.

As my Uncle Owen once told me, ‘you’ll never get the barn mucked out by weeding the garden.’

In my life I have discovered that many times I was either in the wrong town, had the map upside down or couldn't see clearly because of the lack of light. I am sure I will continue to do a lot of unnecessary wandering in the days I have remaining, but I also know that my efforts have been more productive when I have at least had a glimpse of the true path.

Maybe, if I give some examples of my preliminary directional discoveries it might help you to get a better idea of what this Thought is all about.
For more years than I want to admit I thought that Lehi’s admonition that ‘man is that he might have joy’ had something to do with how much pleasure and happiness I could pack into a single day. Then one day I walked into a new town, turned the map around and saw more clearly as I wondered what Adam having fallen had to do with me having joy. One day while reading the words of Elder Henry B. Eyring I was given the key. Having joy has to do with overcoming the conditions of the fall which took us out of our Father in Heaven’s presence. Hence, whenever I am walking, searching, looking toward returning to Him or feeling His love in my daily life, I will have joy. It turned out that it was a much different path than the one which led to an amusement park or entering into a cruise ship.

I remember when President Ezra Taft Benson turned the whole church upside down when he announced that there was ‘no such thing as righteous pride.’ It was almost comical as speakers and teachers searched out a multiplicity of synonyms such as ‘pleased’ or ‘happy’ so that they would not be found guilty of perpetuating pride by saying the word itself. When we walk in the correct town with our map right side up and see more clearly, beginning with the writings of Moses and continuing down to the Latter Day Prophets, when speaking of pride or its antonym humility, we are being taught that pride and humility have to do with our relationship between ourselves and our Heavenly Father and has little to do with our neighbors. We need to be kind, compassionate and understanding with neighbors, but an overzealous self-esteem is evidently not what the scriptures are referring to when they speak of pride and humility. Probably the most condemning words we might ever hear as children of God, is that we have become gods unto ourselves.

It would be difficult for me to recall how many times I led people through a study of the Book of Mormon before I realized I had taken them to the wrong town because the map I was using was upside down and I wasn’t looking at the scriptures with enough light. I do know it was after Kathleen and I were blessed with spending three years in Colombia with those wonderful brothers and sisters before I finally started to lead students to the right town, using the map correctly and seeing more clearly. The first 2/3 or my life were spent teaching about a people who were either living lives which would lead to destruction or lives which would lead to being saved from destruction. I can't recall what caused the change of understanding, but I do know that from a certain point on after we returned from Colombia I could only teach the Book of Mormon as an instruction book of how we individually and collectively prepare to be in the company of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

Walking, Walking, Walking
Only to discover
I was in the wrong tow’n

Searching, Searching, Searching
Only to discover
I had the map upside dow’n

Looking, Looking, Looking
Only to discover
The lights were all turned low’n

Walking, Searching, Looking
I never discovered
How to find the crow’n

(To be continued)