Sunday, October 21, 2012


During the last six years as I have been working my way through the Great Books of the Western World one of the concepts which struck me forcefully and which I have returned to contemplate several times goes something like this. A real relationship with God begins when we stop trying to find Him and allow Him to find us. I have to admit that most of the time I find myself lacking in the understanding of this principle, but when I have had momentary glimpses of understanding they seem to center around having a greater understanding of who I am and what is the purpose for my existence.

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet. (Psalms 8: 3-6)

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10)

That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God. (Doctrine and Covenants 76:24)

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16, 17)

During the seven decades of life which have been allotted to me thus far, I feel I at last I have begun to understand a little of what it means to allow God to find me:

1. My embryonic testimony is that the children of God need to feel his love.

2. My embryonic testimony is that it is not sufficient for one to love God, but they must discover, feel and embrace how much He loves them.

3. My embryonic testimony is that searching the word of the Lord strengthens ones feelings that He knows us and is aware of our needs.

4. My embryonic testimony is that those who surround us on a daily basis can either be a bridge or a mote to our triumphs or defeats depending on our perception of their actions and words.

5. My embryonic testimony is that no matter the degree of our progression we will have down days which give time to reflect on the many hurdles which we have jumped as well as a reminder that there are yet many obstacles to overcome.

6. My embryonic testimony is that there will be times when we step off the path and become muddied which is often followed by an almost immediate grateful realization for the cleansing of repentance and the Atonement.

7. My embryonic testimony is that the mortal creation needs time out from stress and worries, when they can in a state of calmness re-fresh and re-generate their energies.

8. My embryonic testimony is that the mortal body cannot be constantly against the wheel, but needs a variety in life’s activities to stimulate re-creation in the mind, body and soul.

9. My embryonic testimony is that all of us need a periodic ‘well done’ or ‘you can’ either from our fellow travelers or as a witness to our souls from the Holy Spirit to provide stimulus to take the next step.

10. My embryonic testimony is that mortality is not sufficient time to know all that needs to be known, to do all that needs to be done, to become all that we need to become.

And the Lord God spake unto Moses, saying: The heavens, they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man; but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine. And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words. For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. (Moses 1: 37-39)

One of the greatest gifts which comes to one whom God has found is that they are no longer burdened with the perception of a God who is trying to find a way to punish or bring sorrow into their lives, but are made alive in the understanding that they indeed have a Heavenly Father whose greatest desire and continual effort is spent in trying to help his children become all they can become.

We must gain a constancy of vision that Heavenly Father never brought junk into creation and that we all have an eternal responsibility to go forth with all our heart, might and strength to make sure all His work is not made vain because of our lack of effort.

We must not allow ourselves, others, nor Satan to bring to naught the combined efforts of the Eternal Purposes of Heavenly Father.

Is this then the miracle – as we come to recognize His knowledge of us (a knowledge which would be impossible for Him not to have being a Being of Omniscience) we come to know more of who we are and why we came into the world? We come to know Him as we come to know He knows us. As we begin to understand this magnificent eternal relationship will it not regenerate our remembrance of wondrous times past – enlighten our understanding of His constant attention to our daily development – give us hope of the marvelous realities of the glorious possibilities of our eternal existence.


  1. Excellent thoughts for today

    Love the use of embryonic.

    Mssterfully written.

    Thanks for sharing your insight

    Clark Smith

  2. Great to have you back! Thanks

    Pete Mitchell

  3. Hi, Bill

    Thank you very much for the Thought you sent today Sunday Oct 21, 2012. In the last two weeks, I have been thinking about Live Eternal.
    In the scriptures it says Eternal Live has no beginning and no ending, therefore is it possible to have Eternal Life in this Earth?.
    Or is it Eternal Life comes as a resurrected being.

    Your message today you gave me some understanding of what I have struggled for in the last two weeks, Here is your last paragraph.

    Is this then the miracle – as we come to recognize His knowledge of us (a knowledge which would be impossible for Him not to have being a Being of Omniscience) we come to know more of who we are and why we came into the world? We come to know Him as we come to know He knows us. As we begin to understand this magnificent eternal relationship will it not regenerate our remembrance of wondrous times past – enlighten our understanding of His constant attention to our daily development – give us hope of the marvelous realities of the glorious possibilities of our eternal existence.

    Think about this and send us a thought in another Sunday.
    Thank you, and may God continuous to Bless you.

    Your Friend
    Alec Chantung

  4. Thank you, Bill. I found your embryonic testimony to be very profound! Thank you so much for sharing your deep and heartfelt thoughts. Have a wonderful day!

    Jack Rushton

  5. Bill & Kathy:REciban un saludo y agradecimiento por los pensamientos llenos de excelentes enseñanzas.Los amamos y deseamos que sigan felices hasta el dia perfecto.

    Armando & Graciela Gomez

  6. "Ser fieles a la luz q Dios nos da hoy es una d las mejores maneras d asegurarnos q entenderemos su voluntad en el futuro. Si no estamos a la altura d la luz q el Señor nos da hoy, podemos confundirnos al tratar d discernir sus caminos y terminaremos andando en las tinieblas. Cuando nos comprometemos a hacer lo q Dios nos pide y deseamos agradarle en todo- orando, estudiando su Palabra, buscando consejos piadosos, y estando atento a las puertas abiertas d su providencia- podemos estar confiados d q el nos guiará. No nos ha dejado solos a la hora d tomar decisiones. El Espíritu Santo nos dará una profunda convicción, y sabremos q curso d acción seguir. El Señor ha prometido guiarnos, y podemos confiar en sus palabras (Salmos 32:8;Isaias 58:11)."

    Jean Paul Terceo

  7. gracias hermano hermoso....

    Gloria Mitilde Rios Marin

  8. Sublime y profundamente reflexivo este pensamiento que en momento particular llega a mi alma... Gracias Buen Hombre y Buena Hermana!!!!!
    Los amo profundamente

    Julian Medina

  9. gracias hno william por sus mensajes tan inspirados le cuento que empece a escribir a mis amigos y he llamado MIS mensajes AEROBICOS ESPIRITUALES. LOS ESCRIBO A LAS 6 AM TODOS LOS DOMINGOS y bueno gracias a usted que me inspiro. QUE NUESTRO PADRE CELESTIAL LE BENDIGA POR SIEMPRE A USTED Y TODA SU FAMILIA. HASTA CHAO.

    gilberto antonio valencia Quiceno


    Olga Maria Bonilla Urrea

  11. Una vez más... gracias Hno Riley... por estas reflexiones.

    "Debemos obtener una visión constante del hecho de que el Padre Celestial nunca ha creado basura y que todos tenemos una responsabilidad eterna de ir adelante con todo nuestro corazón, mente y fuerza, asegurándonos de que toda su obra no sea en vano debido a nuestra falta de esfuerzo."

    Le agradezco mucho por este párrafo.

    Fidel Castro Agresott
