Sunday, December 30, 2012



Sunday, December 30, 2012

It was a quiet evening in what had always been a simple corner of the field.
In one hushed moment it became a special garden place.
Now, in memory’s shrine, it shall forever remain a sacred meadow.
Upon the faint breezes of inspiration, came understanding of things there and then.

Through the strange detachment of vision’s reality, I was now but a spectator of that which I had then participated in. Through the vagueness of a hopeful faith, I glimpsed Loving Parents and an adoring son; a Father, standing near a seated boy with mighty hands placed upon the young lad’s crown; a Mother, anxiously waiting to hear the blessings from her Eternal Companion to her cherished offspring. Words clearly spoken then – come now only as impressions – perhaps someday once again to be known in purity.

“My Son:

- Parting is an essential step to eternal togetherness
- Living away from home will help you know life’s meaning
- Aloneness will heighten your desire for companionship


- Remembering will help you understand priorities
- Seeking for wise counsel will be rewarded

As well as

- Giving will bring untold riches
- Talents are given for the benefit of others
- Our help will never be further than a sincere call away

Then for just an instant, a flash of brilliance filled the vision, and I saw with clarity a loving Mother’s fingers caressing the trembling hand of her dear child. Now even the words came clear and understandable though they travelled the thin lines of vision’s web.

“My son:

- Although you do not and cannot understand fully, your Father’s words are spoken with love and mercy
- He desires only the greatest of glories for you
- He has done all to prepare the way for your return home


- Never forget that staying away until you are called is essential for your growth
- The day will come when you will realize that you have strayed from the teachings you have received in our home
- During those hurtful times, turn to your Brother and He will make you whole again
- Remember our love for you is endless and will find you even in the simplest corner of the field.”

It was a quiet evening in what had always been a simple corner of the field.
In one hushed moment it became a special garden place.
Now, in memory’s shrine, it shall forever remain a sacred meadow.
Upon the faint breezes of inspiration, came understanding of things there and then.


  1. Dear Bill and Kathy,

    Just wanted to thank you for your Sunday Thoughts. I look forward to reading them every week.

    Hope you had a nice Christmas and that the New Year will be good to all of us.

    How is the knee? I am a year out from that surgery and added another different surgery Nov 26th. Getting old is not for sissy’s.

    So I am attempting to up-date my address book and realize I don’t have a physical address for the two of you. I might have asked you before, but clearly did not get it in my book.

    Would you be kind enough to send that our way and your phone number too.

    After 22 years in Carson City, we moved in September to Dayton. It is a long story, and the Readers Digest version is Jim bought a half finished house and decided we should finish it and move. It backs up to a river and is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. We now have wild horses in our yard, bunnies, coyotes, and who knows what else. I am a city girl, need I say more.

    I have been keeping tabs on Mildred Earl when I go to Reno. She has had a hard year since Clair’s passing. Also don’t know if you know Miriam Orgill. She is battling cancer right now.

    Have a good week.

    Thanks, Ann Bradshaw

  2. Muchas Gracias. Mis mejores deseos de salud, felicidad y amor en este nuevo año que comienza.


  3. Muchas gracias primito un feliz año para ti y saludame a todos abrazos

    Lisbeth Bermúdez

  4. What a special and appropriate poem. Thanks for sharing such sweet and meaningful thoughts.

    Jo Anne


  5. Que buenos pensamientos.....el quedar aveces a solas nos ayuda a crecer en cada aspecto de nuestra vida..........gracias

    clarita torres gonzales

  6. Buenas noches Presidente Bill Riley.
    Gracias por sus hermosos mensajes, si tiene razón la navidad es época de recordación,de aquella infancia fugaz, y ahora nos toca compartirla con nuestros hijos, y es nuestra responsabilidad hacer que para ellos sea inolvidable, haciéndoles sentir el gozo y la alegría de compartir.

    Un saludo especial para mí amigo peruano Walter Ivan Cruz, a su esposa hermana Riley, Les deseo un Feliz Año, Que el Señor les bendiga, al igual que a sus familias.

    Con amor.

    Lucía Helena Aguirre.


  7. !!!!!!!!Bendiciones y mucha felicidad!!!!!!!!

    uriel sepulveda herrera


  8. muchas gracias ,desde Chile le deseamos una feliz navidad y lo mejores bendiciones en el año que se aproxima

    Rosa roja

  9. MUCHAS GRACIAS por sus saludos navideños , que dios lo bendiga junto a su familia y que este año nuevo este lleno de grata nuevas un saludo cariñoso de Chile

    isabel moscoso

  10. I am not very computer literate, this may not be what you want, but fills the bill as far as I know: Thanks for starting the string of thoughts. You have named those that first come to mind, lovingly so. .

    If the Baby Jesus had not lain in the manger that first Christmas night:

    There would be no wondering about the Annunciation and the miraculous birth which resulted.

    There would be no wondering about the Magi or the wondrous star they followed in the eastern sky which beamed down on Bethlehem.

    There would be no remembrance of shepherds having heard angels sing as they tended their flocks across the arroyo from that blessed village.

    There would be no shrine in Bethlehem covering the grotto where the Redeemer of mankind was once swaddled.

    There would be no marveling about the One who maneuvered through life’s trials without sin, moving ever steadily toward perfection.

    There would be no reading about the best and worst of man’s acts down through history having been done in His name.

    There would never have been disciples willing to live to witness of His divinity and willing to die as a sealing act to their testimonies.

    There would never have been a single soul expressing gratefulness for His Atonement which opened the gates unto Eternal Life.

    There would be no temples to lead us to further knowledge, desire for righteousness, spiritual guidance, and love for our Savior.

    Jean Seavey

  11. Thanks...too sacred to add any comments. Love you both.

    Jean Seavey
