Sunday, November 5, 2017


When the seeds of Spring
Break forth their splendor
And brighten spring days
We behold and call it beautiful

When the sun warms our homes
During Summer’s long days
We lift our faces to it rays
And call it beautiful

When Autumn breezes
Bring cool relief
We partake of bounteous harvest
And call it beautiful

When Winter snows
Blanket the horizon with white
We snuggle in our abodes
And call it beautiful

When our lives have passed
And the blessings of many Seasons
Have brought us happiness and peace
We exclaim and call it beautiful

One of the things which happens when we have the privilege of wearing rose colored glasses most of our lives is that we always have an Ivory Tower as close as our next thought, even though every continent seems to contrive to be continually in contentious conflict.

I wrote the verses which I started this Thought with one Sunday morning while sitting in a Sunday School class and needed to clear my mind of the anti-non-Mormon comments which were being shared. One would think that a gathering of people who call themselves Latter Day Saints would be a refuge where there would be little need for escaping to the Ivory Tower of the mind.

There is little doubt that Elder Maxwell’s hypothesis of every movement of lessening of values that takes place in the world at large, the membership of the church will make a lesser, but corresponding change, has merit.

It is easily understood with the insidious way negative and degrading communication can be spread, why the walls around that section of our makeup where positive and uplifting feelings and expression can be found becomes fortified beyond our ability to put on rose colored glasses, let alone visit our Ivory Towers.

Like any habit, whether good or bad, a good 16 days of concentrated effort can help change our behavior so that good habits can triumph over bad habits. (Something I learned from one of my favorite mentors, Paul H. Dunn, very early in my journey of life)

I will now repeat the verses I started this Thought with and give you permission to use it as often as you would like during the next 16 days or find some other positive thoughts which will help you break down the walls keeping you from your own ivory tower where you will once again enjoy a Pollyanna positive perspective.

When the seeds of Spring
Break forth their splendor
And brighten spring days
We behold and call it beautiful

When the sun warms our homes
During Summer’s long days
We lift our faces to it rays
And call it beautiful

When Autumn breezes
Bring cool relief
We partake of bounteous harvest
And call it beautiful

When Winter snows
Blanket the horizon with white
We snuggle in our abodes
And call it beautiful

When our lives have passed
And the blessings of many Seasons
Have brought us happiness and peace
We exclaim and call it beautiful

May our days be full of splendor, warmth, bounteousness, snuggles, kind thoughts, happiness and peace this day and always is my fervent prayer.



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