Sunday, July 15, 2018


I had barely started my review of the first chapter of Second Nephi when my mind started pondering upon what caused Lehi to endure faithfully until the very end of his life.

It was probably only a few micro seconds before my mind had shifted into reexploring an admonition of the Lord over which it had lingered many times during my life.

Although the pondering session was undoubtedly very brief, I am pretty sure I was first engaged in an attempt to understand what it meant to endure when I was memorizing the 13th Article of Faith as a requirement to graduate from Primary. Since it was the longest and most difficult of the articles for me to memorize, the trauma has caused this beginning pondering to linger in my memory.

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. (Article of Faith 13)

Since that time and continuing to the present, I have been guilty of shifting to and fro on a fairly regular basis as speakers and writers have attempted to bring added light to the principle of enduring.

A few examples of why there could be some confusion can be illustrated by a few example of how the dictionary defines the word endure:

To continue essentially in the same state

Firm under adversity

Undergo hardship

Handle an ugly or difficult situation

The Hebrew and Greek languages, as was often their way of doing, handle the differences in the use of the word endure by having several words which could be used in specific circumstances. I insert just a few of the many words they used.


Naw-ame = to be agreeable – delight – grace

Amad = to stand – abide – continue

Chammah = withstand as in chammah the heat of the sun


Hupomeno = remain – undergo – bear – persevere

Kakopoieo = undergo hardship

When I was doing the translation of this Thought I quickly became aware that the word endure was being translated into Spanish using a variety of words which included soportar (sustain – endure), vencer (triumph), perdurar (to last – endure), sufrir (suffer long), aguantar (tolerate – endure), perseverar (persevere) and permanicer (continue). As I translated these words back into English it immediately becomes apparent that we likewise have many words which add different meanings to the word endure.

An examination of the verses where endure is used in the English scriptures sheds light on why these biblical languages had a variety of words to express what was really meant by the word translated into English as endure.

And now, my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end, in following the example of the Son of the living God, he cannot be saved. (2 Nephi 31:16,20)

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
(Matthew 10:22)

And now, behold, whosoever is of my church, and endureth of my church to the end, him will I establish upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them. (Doctrine and Covenants 10:69)

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Mark 13:13)

I have no desire to cause anyone to question anything about the truthfulness of the words found in scripture or which we receive from living prophets, but I do want us all to understand that part of searching the scriptures is struggling with what they mean. Therefore, I offer a few of the struggles toward truth which I have exercised during my life.

How does one endure to the end if life is eternal?

Is our test of enduring for this life only?

Does the proof of enduring include perfection?

If perfection is the end goal of enduring, then does enduring include future phases of our existence?

Is it possible to endure in one area of the gospel but not in all areas?

Is the process of enduring different during different periods of mortality?

Is the measurement of enduring universally applied to all of Heavenly Father’s children?

And with that unimportant revelation of how my struggling mind works I return to the first chapter of Second Nephi which diverted me to these ponderings.

We are not given enough information to know whether the words of Lehi as recorded by his son Nephi in this chapter happened at the very end of his life or earlier in his life. We are not even given to understand if these words were given at one sitting or if they are a compilation by Nephi of various teaching experiences he and the rest of Lehi’s progeny received during his life. Regardless, we do know that even to the end of his life Nephi proclaimed his father remained in a state of faithfulness which is often referenced both anciently and by living Prophets and Apostles as enduring.

In this chapter which Nephi presents as his father’s last proclamation we find a wealth of teachings which might help all of us endure in faithfulness:

The Lord is merciful and will warn his faithful children in their efforts to endure.

The Lord has covenanted with his children, that if they are faithful His promises will be fulfilled.

If we serve God according to the commandments we shall have liberty, freedom and safety.

They who have received great knowledge from the lord must endure in their discipleship to the Holy One of Israel, the true Messiah, their Redeemer and their God.

We must be in a constant state of awareness and avoid those things which would enslave us and keep us from enduring.

One of the blessings which may attend enduring is beholding the glory of the Lord and being encircled in His arms eternally.

Although the warning Lehi gives to his sons about rejecting the words of the living prophets are given in reference to Nephi, it would probably be wise if we apply them to ourselves when we are blessed to receive the teachings of living Prophets.

Rejection of their words will cut us off from the promised blessings.

Rejection of their words will make our lives empty of joy and gladness.

Rejection of their words will keep us from becoming one in mind and heart.

Rejection of their words will cause us to be bound in chains of obscurity.

The final admonition of father Lehi to his rebellious sons concerning rejection of Nephi as a prophet of God, I believe to be especially appropriate for us today in our personal pursuit of enduring.

And I exceedingly fear and tremble because of you, lest he shall suffer again; for behold, ye have accused him that he sought power and authority
over you; but I know that he hath not sought for power nor authority over you, but he hath sought the glory of God, and your own eternal welfare.

And ye have murmured because he hath been plain unto you. Ye say that he hath used sharpness; ye say that he hath been angry with you; but behold, his sharpness was the sharpness of the power of the word of God, which was in him; and that which ye call anger was the truth, according to that which is in God, which he could not restrain, manifesting boldly concerning your iniquities.

And it must needs be that the power of God must be with him, even unto his commanding you that ye must obey. But behold, it was not he, but it was the Spirit of the Lord which was in him, which opened his mouth to utterance that he could not shut it.
(2 Nephi 1: 25-27)

Just a few final words from my pondering about my own pathway of enduring.

It is essential that my discipleship be founded in a firm conviction and commitment to the True and Living God of all mankind.

I must constantly increase my testimony that the Lord speaks and inspires His servants, the Living Prophets, with words which will aid me in my trial of endurance and assure me of the promised blessings.

I must act with the understanding that this moment of this hour of this day is part of my eternal test of enduring.

I constantly pray the Lord will bless me with the strength to triumph and endure in faithfulness this day and forever.



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