Sunday, July 19, 2009


This may be the very hour when those who are enjoying the fruits of the gospel should uncloset themselves and begin allowing others to know the great secret:

That living as God would have us live fills our lives with happiness and joy.

That it is a myth that religion is restrictive and that true religion is the only path which leads to true and lasting freedom.

That living the gospel brings lasting peace and comfort to an individual and his family, and these blessings have the potential of perpetuating themselves from generation to generation.

That the wonders of Godliness can be felt inside of a Church building, as well as in the freshness of God's natural createdness.

That the doors of our houses of worship are flung widely open and none are to be excluded.

That the blessing of a peaceful life of an obedient gospel observer; frees one from the debilitating restraints which come as a result of contention, anger and hate.

That our wanting to share comes as a natural result to one whose life has been filled with the gladness that the gospel brings.

The hour has come when we must become positive promoters of the wonders of the Plan of Happines. We must never forget, our product is unexcelled. We can go forth with the sure knowledge that our efforts will do far more for the betterment of mankind than the "quick fix", " short remission" plans the world is continually trying to offer as the "ultimate" resolution to the world's ills.

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