Sunday, July 26, 2009


As I have joyfully traveled through my past this last month while reuniting with so many wonderful and exciting people on FaceBook; it has been interesting to see what an inner related community we must be. I continually see surnames which appear regularly on the genealogy sheets of both my family and Kathleen's. The obvious surnames would be Riley, Law, Wootton and Barnard; but to these we can also quickly add such surnames as Butler, Roberts, Sessions, Holbrook, and Tolman and with each searched out generation the list grows grander and more inclusive.

One wonders what our common forefathers desired to leave as a legacy to their children and children's children as they sailed across oceans and stepped across plains and into the wonders of the industrial revolution. One wonders if they were in any way able to envision both the good and the evil which would spring from their discoveries and eventually evolve into our present complex society. Little is found in their writings about our present ecological problems of shortages and pollutions; nor the comfortable lives the treasures of the earth provide for us on a daily basis. Acid rain and renewable resources are concepts that would be incomprehensible to even the most learned of those of yesteryear's days; as well as the wireless communications we enjoy for both relationships and entertainment. What we do find in their libraries was a genuine concern over the rapid evaporation of basic human values. They worried about the true brotherhood of mankind, the deterioration of the family, honesty in business and rampant moral decay. They were constantly and with great alarm anxious about their ability to pass on true standards and attributes in perpetuity to their children.

As our families continue to become intertwined in this and future generations we might consider the foundations our own pioneering efforts are laying for a world that we now only dream of and are little able to comprehend. Perhaps as we debate the best way to solve the lighting and heating of our children – Perhaps as we increase their indebtedness through our unquenchable thirst – Perhaps as we continue to isolate democracy as a constitutional right of the rich – It might be well to also raise a voice of reformation in defense of those ideals which have been proclaimed as necessary social norms by those who so wisely speak to us from the past.

The din of discord demeaning the doctrines of the deceased are so deafening that we must speak consistently and clearly so that the seekers of the true way among the ever increasing alternative life styles will be able to distinguish the voice of the True Shepherd and be led to find His standard of truth.

That: True success in the professional world can only be achieved when founded upon honesty and integrity.

That: True happy social relationships will only be gained when they are framed in a family unit which is well grounded upon the teachings of the Savior.

That: Well intended social programs of personal and family reparation will never replace the excitement, joy, peace and comfort which will be the blessing to one who has heeded and followed the Savior's the counsel of living a moral, trustworthy and chaste life.

That: True brotherhood is bigger than bigotry based on pigmentation, age, social status or gender.

That: Accepting the commonality of mankind will be the only solution to those prejudices which bring hatred and division among Heavenly Father's children.

Hopefully as the generation of 2109 look back, as we do now, they will willingly give us honor for the proper dominion we have displayed as they enjoy fertile ground, green forests and blue lakes and the blessings of comfort they enjoy in their well lit and warm homes; but with magnified intensity we hope and aspire to the dream that they will offer veneration to our generation for the standards of truth and nobleness which we have steadfastly affirmed in word and deed.

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