Sunday, August 23, 2009


I would undoubtedly need a time machine or unlimited access to the television archives of family style sitcoms of the 1950's. Lacking both of these resources most of you will just have to take my word for it when I say that there was a day when complete families with fathers who made right decisions to resolve any and all crisis which confronted their families, was actually the norm on most weekly television series. It was amazing to watch how in a half hour impending ruin would be turned into joyful resolution.

Now many years later we have all been indoctrinated with the philosophy of cynicism which gave us the sophisticated understanding that these scripted situations were very contrived and very far from representing what really takes place in families. In fact we have come to be indoctrinated to understand that these unrealistic presentations of the 'Father Knows Best' era were probably having a detrimental affect upon that generation and the future generations which they would spawn. These quick and effortless resolutions to family were.

I know the years have jaundiced us all somewhat against ever believing in or hoping for the expectation that earthly fathers can be or ever will be a never ending source of wisdom and insights able to resolve any and all problems. I also know that what we are now being fed on a continuous basis about families and fathers is likewise far from what really is or should be.

All of this worldly inaccuracy should motivate us to increasingly look to the True Father who indeed knows best, the True Father who truly has the resolution to all of life's problems and crisis the True Father who is constantly aware of the problems of His children and therefore continually sends instructive solutions through his prophets. How often must these messengers sent from the True Father sit and shake their heads as they witness the frustrations and depressions of His children, knowing that if we would follow the counsel of our loving and caring Father, life could be so much better and we would find joy in our lives.

Long ago in the days of Daniel men altered their abilities to resolve problems by too frequent use of wine and strong drink. Through Daniel and his friends we were shown that abstinence from these substances aided one in thinking and seeing correct directions which should be followed. It is staggering to contemplate how much heartache and hurt might have been avoided or eliminated if the inhabitants of the world had heeded this admonition sent from the True Father.

The songs of the Psalmists ring with the truth that men should be slow toward anger and quick to understanding and yet millennia later we remain quick to anger and slow to understanding. They admonish in rhyme that forgiveness should be a much more frequent exercise than revenge and yet centuries later we are still frequently seeking revenge and seldom truly forgive one another. It is beyond our capacity to imagine the harmonious relationships which might have resulted and the heartaches which might have been avoided if we had let the words of these psalms sink into our souls.

As we read the Holy Scripture we read verse after verse spelling out the admonition that we should avoid the twin monsters of Pride and Greed. Yet we continue to impede one another's pathway to happiness as we endlessly compete for fame and coin. When will we learn to control these desires and thereby reduce the conditions which foster squabbles, feuds and wars?

Sadly the world will never know what might have been, had the past generations heeded the counsel of the True Father sent to His children through the writings of His servants. We can only wonder what would have been had His children been willing to use His eternally proven formulas for fathers and families rather than chasing after the latest insignificant but marketable attempt at being a pseudo Solomon.

Is it possible that there yet might be a generation who will be wise enough to understand that although life's problems are continuous and endless, that they will only be resolved with the aid of Him whose knowledge is Eternal? Be still and ponder and listen to the still small voice of the Divine which speaks clearly to your soul. Do you not hear and understand that it would indeed serve you well to seek the words of Everlasting Wisdom which comes to you from the True Father who eternally knows best?

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