Sunday, October 3, 2010


After years of Kathleen pleading for mercy, not too long ago I entered into another phase of my ‘AIDS’ period of life. This ‘AIDS’ phase seems to afflict almost all who are privileged to have an extended period of gathering sheaves into the barn. The most recent addition to my personal collection came in the form of a 16 channel set of hearing aids.

The first month of wearing my hearing aids was spent letting my brain adjust to the many sounds which have not been registering for several years. It was a delight to once again hear the birds singing in the morning and the tinkling of small chimes. I also spent a lot of time asking Kathleen to speak a little more quietly. After the adjustments we have both found a greater peace in our communications. Interestingly, I have had to return to have the decibel levels adjusted downward so that I wouldn’t be uncomfortable when hearing certain sounds.

As I have pondered upon this newest adventure in my life I have found many correlations between my hearing loss and the loss that many of us suffer with our spirituality.

My hearing did not go away all at once, but diminished little by little in almost imperceptible degrees. Is it possible that unknowingly this may be happening to me spiritually?

I did not lose all parts of my hearing, but only selective parts which made it difficult for me to hear the voices of some women and my grandchildren. I also lost the ability to distinguish many consonants which made it hard for me to understand and learn the names of people when I was being introduced. Is it possible I have lost some selected or neglected areas of my spirituality and the long time absence has caused them to be eliminated from my present awareness? Have I diminished my circle of loved ones because I am missing or ignoring important interactions?

I found that the losing of my hearing not only affected me, but also altered the lives and activity of my loved ones. Can I really think that I live on an island where no one will be affected by where I am spiritually?

There have been many occasions when I was receiving instructions where I either got them wrong or had to put my own interpretation on them, which sadly was often erroneous. Do we estrange ourselves from our Heavenly Father by not really hearing or understanding what He is trying to tell us? Do we sometimes insist our interpretation of doctrines is much more enlightened than that which has descended from divine sources?

There were many activities which I had previously enjoyed, such as some soft musical sounds, which could no longer emotionally impact me. Have I allowed other ‘important’ parts of my life to crowd out those things of spiritual importance?

I found that the noises of the world would frequently drown out the more meaningful things which I should have been hearing. Have I allowed the world’s wailings to interfere with heaven sent messages?

The overcoming of most of my hearing problems happened almost miraculously as I sought out the help of those who were trained in the alleviation of this type of problem. Likewise, if we are suffering from the loss of spirituality we may need to turn to the counsel of those who have the understanding which will help us overcome our handicap.

As I was going through the brain adjustments to be able to register sounds I had not heard for some time, some of what was coming in seemed strange and even harsh. Likewise, as I begin the journey to recoup my spirituality some teachings may seem unusual and even irritating and may take time for me to be able to readjust to the renewed awareness of these principles.

Just as I found that I had to allow others to become aware of my renewed ability to hear, we may have to give those around us time to know the reborn person we are striving to become as we attempt to renew our spirituality.

There were times when I had to return to the experts to continually refine and adjust my hearing aids and little by little I found subtle but pleasing improvements. Likewise, I must not get discouraged if all does not fall into place at once as I journey toward spirituality and feel a renewed desire to pray, read the scriptures and listen to the counsel of those I recognize as having a better understanding of where I need to place my steps.

When I returned to the expert I found that since my hearing aids had 16 channels they could only be adjusted when the aids were hooked up to the computer and the right keys were struck by the operator. I think it would be helpful if those I rely on for counsel had the ability to hook up to heaven in a way that I desire, but as yet may not have accomplished because I lack the ability to know which are the right keys.

One day after putting on my hearing aids I was sure that my right aid had gone bad on me. When I put on my ‘eye aid’ I saw that some impurities had gotten into the ear piece and were blocking the aid from doing its marvels. Likewise, as I strive for greater spirituality I must continually be aware of keeping myself clear of the pollutions of the world which will interfere with any advancement I may desire to make.

I found that my adjustment to the hearing aids took place more rapidly because I was willing to put them in each morning and wear them all the hours I was awake. Likewise, I am sure that my return to the level of spirituality I desire will be reached more rapidly if I daily try to put on the whole armor of God and wear it throughout the day.

I feel blessed to live in a day when technology has made it possible for me to reenter a large portion of the world that had faded into obscurity because of my hearing loss. I feel blessed to know that my Heavenly Father will welcome me home no matter how prodigal I may have become. I feel grateful to know that no matter how far I may have wandered, the Good Shepherd is out looking for me and

I have but to seek Him in order to be found. I am grateful for the understanding that the grace of God is sufficient to help me overcome insufficiencies which are and which will be part of my mortal probationary period.

One of the things I have accepted in my new world of sound is that my hearing will never be perfect in mortality because it never has been. I also must accept the reality that in my earthly sojourn my spirituality will never reach perfection. However, I desire to continue the quest because I have come to realize that each step I take towards greater spiritual awareness brings a corresponding increase in joy.


  1. This was verrrrry good Brother Riley. Amen!!!

    Janice Thompson

  2. Thanks for sharing. Looks like the makings for a great talk. Jim is losing the hearing in one ear and it does make communication difficult at times.

    Have a nice day.

    Thanks, Ann Bradshaw

  3. Muchas gracias por su lindo mensaje, con su permiso lo usaremos este día en la noche de hogar, es mi meta después del mensaje del profeta sembrar y cosechar gentileza, amor y el espíritu en nuestro hogar, gracias por compartir sus mensajes, este en particular me llego mucho.
    pdta para mi es mejor este tipo de letra,
    Susan Regnier de Jiménez

  4. Querido hermano y amigo Bill:He disfrutado mucho la comparación de las ayudas auditivas y la espiritualidad.Yo necesito tambien ayudas auditivas porque estoy perdiendo la audición del lado Izquierdo.
    Hemos ido al templo de Navoo varias veces y visitado la tumba del profeta Jose Smith, Hyrum, Emma y la familia Smith.Estos lugares pertenecen a una rama diferente a la Iglesia pero disfrutamos visitando el Lugar, lo mismo que Cartage donde asesinaron al profeta y a su hermano. Regresamos a Utah el 5 de Octubre para Thanksgiving y navidad en familia.
    Abrazos y saludos a la hermana Katy.
    Armando Gomez

  5. Dear PresRiley
    you really hit home with this weeks thought! Blian has really been going and is still going though a hard time getting his heart tuned
    up. He today is llooking at his second open heart surgery. Althouh it is not his ears that need adjustment, it has been surprising the
    talks and thoughts he is having going though his life at the hospital.
    To see him in there relying on others and blessings and prayers has been hard but wonderful, for him to rely on others is not something he
    is good at. Thanks again for your sharing!
    We still talk of you and love you and your family.
    I am slways wondering what is going on with Erin, I love that "free spirit she has, I am raising one myself now. But I wouldn't trade her for anything!
    love u all, Maxine & Blain Andrus

  6. Hi Brother Riley, I do enjoy your emails, but, I think you are looking for Lew.
    Thanks, Lois Mullin.

  7. Apreciado Presidente Riley,
    Aunque no tengo el privilegio de conocerlo, quería darle las gracias por esos lindos mensajes que siempre me envía, son muy inspiradores y me han ayudado mucho!!
    Con mucho cariño,
    Mónica Ariza.

  8. again- thanks. I was looking forward to another one and wasn't sure if you'd send one out because it was conference. I save them so can I reread them. Your effort doesn't go unappreciated!
    Sarah Howell Peterson

  9. I really enjoyed today's thoughts! I enjoy all of them! Just wanted to let you know:)
    Thank you Rynn Riley

  10. Nunca pense que un mensaje suyo ,me volviera a poner en reflexion en muchos años que deje de ser mormon... gracias


  11. Bill,
    This personal analogy you give serves to simplify and thereby provide insight to our confused lives which actually run on at a minimum, thousands of channels. Again I, as is each person who receives these Sunday "Thoughts", in your debt.
    The interfaces that we have to adjust these channels are those you spoke of plus the marvelous feedback that God provides us every day and everywhere during the course of our lives. I believe He being always present, always completely aware, we need only acknowledge His presence to access His grace. Ah, but there's the rub! It requires no "eye aid" to see that we are our own worst obstruction to the realization of His promises.
    I am sounding like a broken record, and methinks one likely unheard; not audible on any of most people's channels who have a preferred orientation to guidance towards eternal truths. Yet because my own blessings, such as they have been, have come from a variety of channels, not limited to those standard channels of church, prophets, scripture, etc, but as well channels which are generally understood by the intensely religious as intensely secular. I persist in sharing the Grace in inspiration, intuition and revelation that I have personally experienced and which seems to me to be available at all times, in every situation, in every place for "Everyman".
    Your Student,
    Paul Maddox

  12. Loved the simple message, profound, entertaining and thought provoking.
    Joseph Reno

  13. Thank you so much for the wonderful thoughts emails every week. I loved the last one!!! It really made me think!!
    Could I use the parables you used? I think my parents would really enjoy them as well!!

    THanks so much

    Corinna McAllister
