Sunday, May 15, 2011


When I was a child and thought of what was to be, visions of being a tall star athlete ran in and out of my mind…

When I was in my teens and thought of what was to be, visions of being a star of stage and screen danced in and out of my mind…

When I was a single young adult and thought of what was to be, visions of visits to foreign lands walked in and out of my mind…

When I was newly married and thought of what was to be, visions of perfect children tiptoed in and out of my mind…

When I was entrenched in my career and thought of what was to be, visions of model trains steamed in and out of my mind…

When I was retired and thought of what was to be, visions of days when I could run, dance, walk, tiptoe and wobbled in and out of my mind…

Neal A. Maxwell made the following statement, “I believe with all my heart that because God loves us there are some particularized challenges that he will deliver to each of us. He will customize the curriculum for each of us in order to teach us the things we most need to know. He will set before us in life what we need; not always what we like.” (Neal A. Maxwell Quote Book - page 196)

When I was in the degree seeking period of my life, my study time was somewhat limited due to other demands on my time, I had to make sure I was always zeroed into the current activity whenever I was studying or listening to a lecture or writing a paper. I found that whenever I allowed my mind to wander the effectiveness of my learning was drastically lowered.

Likewise, I suspect that the time we spend thinking about what is to be rather than doing the current task our Heavenly Father has assigned us for any given day will have a negative effect upon our maximizing the development intended from the heaven designed curriculum.

Neal A. Maxwell also stated, “Life in the world is too compromising, too corrosive for most; marching to a celestial cadence requires the meekness of Moses and the simple trust in God that David had when he went forth ‘in the name of the Lord of hosts’ with a sling and five smooth stones.” (Neal A. Maxwell Quote Book - page 198)

Too often in life’s journey we might find ourselves truant, dreaming of what tomorrow might bring, or watching the clock on days when significant heaven sent assignments should have been diligently attended too.

And we see that death comes upon mankind, yea, the death which has been spoken of by Amulek, which is the temporal death; nevertheless there was a space granted unto man in which he might repent; therefore this life became a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God; a time to prepare for that endless state which has been spoken of by us, which is after the resurrection of the dead. (Alma 12:24)

As the countdown for the final bell of mortality ticks on for each of us, it might be beneficial if we could to be more passionate about conquering today’s lesson so that that part of our final exam will be a little more cemented in the character of that eternal being we were sent to become.

When my hair had turned to silver and I thought of what was to be…


  1. Dear Brother Riley, Muchas gracias por su mensaje.
    My sympathy extends to you and your dear loved ones at the passing of your mother. She must have been quite a person as your love for her shows clearly in your eyes and deeds.

    I appreciate your comments about things in our lives that have come to be in contrast to our dreams. Indeed, the Lord knows best in shaping my life. I'd be quite a misshapen pretzel without his tender touch.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

    Bonnie Lynn

  2. Beautiful thoughts and quotes. Thank you.

    Ilda Miranda

  3. Bill, I loved it, especially Elder Maxwell's quote. you're really good.....

    Tom Brogquist

  4. Bill,
    What are we taught by the faith and courage of David?
    We are taught by his courage that he was willing to face Goliath with only a sling and five smooth stones.
    We are taught by his faith that he was not quite ready to face Goliath with only one smooth stone.

    Contingency plans were proffered, acknowledged, perhaps even considered, but in the end, Christ faced the cross with no contingency plan.

    Paul Maddox

  5. Presidente, gracias. Preciosos como siempre sus pensamientos. Deseo estén tranquilos con respecto a la muerte de la mamá. Sabe que necesitaba leer o escuchar algo así? Por favor cuénteme qué sabe de Germán Patricio Rodas de Ambato, Ecuador. No lo encuentro en el facebook y quisiera contactarlo.


  6. "lo siento mucho y que la esperanza traiga consigo paz..... de volvernos a encontrar de nuevo"

    Jimmy Sandoval Garcia

  7. Sometimes I am in the place where how things have worked out are miraculously better than I dreamed...other times I wonder where the "script" went wrong and how did I get there!
    Thank you for the thoughts and quotes.

    Claudia Gassin

  8. Brother Riley,

    I'm sorry for your loss! I pray you feel the comfort and love of the savior during this time.

    Thank you for your thoughts. They are so inspirational!

    ~ Cora Greiner Rall

  9. Excellent thoughts! See you Tues.

    Carolyn Hildt

  10. Querido hermano Bill Riley: Me llenan de gozo sus reflexiones y las recibo como una gran fuente de felicidad en mi vida. Recuerdo en un conversación con un hombre de edad que me dijo: "EL HOMBRE SIEMPRE ESTA CONTENTO CON LO QUE NO TIENE". Siempre estamos pensando en que mañana, o que si tuviera, y nos olvidamos del "HOY" y de el "SER"para disfrutarlo plenamente. Con mucho cariño.

    Luis Enrique Perez

  11. amen, I really appreciated those thoughts. All of a sudden things you
    thought you understood seem so diffrent. thanks,

    Maxine Andrus

  12. Dear Bill and Kathleen,

    I have been out-of-town this past week and just received your always
    appreciated "Thoughts" message.

    Elaine and I send our love and support to you on the passing of your
    Mother. This part of life is both difficult and inevitable for all.
    However, this fact makes me all the more grateful for the atoning
    sacrifice of the Savior and the knowledge of His eternal plan for
    families which has been revealed to us in this last dispensation. We
    know you share the same testimony of this eternal truth and hope you
    will find comfort in its assurance of a promised happy reunion.

    With love and friendship,

    Bill and Elaine Bridges

  13. Bill and Kathy,

    Thank you again for a great Sunday thought. You warn in your message about looking forward in day dreaming and missing out on what should be accomplished today.. I took just a moment yesterday and looked backwards to the days that Chris and I were newly married and you were kind enough to have us over for dinner with all of your boys and that one beautiful little girl. I think of the days that we sat in your Institute Class Bill and felt of the Spirit as we learned eternal principles and have been blessed to have been able to feel that Spirit throughout our lifes. Kathy, I have always felt a special bond to you as a loving older sister. We love you both and are grateful that we still are learning from your teachings.

    May God Bless you and your extended family,

    Dave and Chris Foote

  14. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...and many thanks for keeping me informed of happenings in the 2nd Ward family!

    Enjoyed my time with yo all!u

    Ranee Lehman

  15. gracias presidente por tan hermoso mensaje realmente me hizo reflexionar y poner mas empeño en mis
    tareas .......
    Bendiciones de Nestro Padre Celestial .

    Un abrazo a toda la familia
    sandra bravo
    ibague-tolima -colombia
