Sunday, July 8, 2012

HIS WORK AND GLORY (part three)

Even though I never had to, nor was I inclined, to use stars, smiley faces, percentages and alphabet letters in my classes to reinforce the learning of those who attended, as the days of my mortality have lengthened, I have become increasingly aware and grateful that our Heavenly Father is not only going to be the administrator of our FINAL EXAM, but he also created a system whereby we can have frequent feedback on our progression.

The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. (Romans 5:5)

Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. (1 John 4:6)

Besides the feelings which give us strong indications whether our choices are pleasing unto our Father in Heaven, we will also know by the inclination we have to work in His ways and do His works, whether we are progressing in our efforts to put on His attributes and characteristics.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance … If we live in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. (Galatians 5:22-26)

We are also given to understand that our Heavenly Father desires to help us progress at the pace He knows we are capable of moving, and will give us appropriate assignments when He knows we will complete them.

The Holy Ghost, even the comforter, which showeth all things and teacheth the peaceable things of the kingdom. Behold I say unto you … I have looked upon thy works and I know thee. And verily I say unto thee, thine heart is now right before me at this time; and, behold, I have bestowed great blessings upon thy head. (Doctrine and Covenants 39:6-8)

There seem to be times when our Father knows that drastic intervention is needed, that will put us back on to the path which will lead toward fulfilling our existence. We will one day recognize with grateful hearts that His course correcting discipline came upon us because of His abundant love and mercy unto His children.

Behold he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the everlasting word … (Alma 5:7)

Thou knowest that thou hast inquired of me and I did enlighten thy mind; and now I tell thee these things that thou mayest know that thou hast been enlightened by the Spirit of truth. (Doctrine and Covenants 6:15)

Evidently the Master Teacher is ready to bestow upon His student children extra credit assignments when they recognize the need for them and petition for these lessons.

If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made know unto you. (1 Nephi 15:11)

Blessed art thou for what thou hast done; for thou hast inquired of me and behold, as often as thou hast inquired thou hast received instruction of my Spirit. (Doctrine and Covenants 6:14)

Having spent some time searching the scriptures I am convinced that Divine Instruction can and should be part of our mortal learning. We can have the privilege of a fairly constant feedback on the correctness of our thoughts, words and deeds.

However, I remain a bit unsure whether this feedback comes because the spirit which inhabits our bodies is able to remember and recall the instructive processes of its previous existence or because the body which houses that spirit is learning how to receive and interpret these interactions from the Creator. My heart tells me that the answer lies in a well-planned Eternal combining of the two.

Random related thoughts:

Sometimes we give ourselves a smiley face by looking back where we were, remembering what we have overcome and looking forward with hope to that which we might someday be.

There is nothing to be gained by comparing our personal growth to ‘A’ or ‘F’ companions during our mortal passages.

There is a direct correlation between our diligence in our studies and the progress we will make.


  1. Jean Paul Terceo
    Dios es Amor, Verdad inconfundible.
    Dios es Amor. Y es tal su inmensidad,
    que ante su Amor no existe el imposible,
    y al pecador le ofrece eterna Paz.

    Indigno soy de que El en mí pensara.
    Yo sé que no merezco su perdón.
    Mas con su Amor me limpia y fiel me ampara.
    Su Gracia tengo cual precioso don.

    Dios es Amor, y lo es, de tal manera,
    que a Su Hijo dio por mi alma redimir,
    y en cruz murió para que yo tuviera
    en su mansión, eterno porvenir.

    Jean Paul Terceo

  2. Riley said "There is a direct correlation between our diligence in our studies and the progress we will make."

    The scriptures said, more than one time, in one way, "study to show thyself approved."
    Yet what can I (or maybe even we) learn from Jesus' short mission while here amongst us?
    I observed that he often, I would venture even consistently, railed against those who were the most accomplished biblical scholars amongst them. He often surprised his disciples and other followers by giving special recognition and/or praise to others, not scholars from anything revealed to us in scripture.
    What are we to make of this? What does this speak to the direct correlation of which you speak?
    How indeed does one find God, draw neigh unto his Lord and hear his voice? In the scripture or while praying in the wood? In the classroom or study or in the hurly-burly of living amongst his neighbors.
    I do not doubt that God is able to speak to those who study scriptures through that vehicle. I, on the other hand, am coming to a belief that there is danger to scholars of beginning to feel that the scriptures are THE special window to God. I wonder if the scriptures can be either a footstool or a stumbling block; and that the scholar will be rendered as he/she progresses in his studies to be able to see them only as the first; leaving the world in which God beckons them not only to observe with their noses held, but to live and interact with others and with Him, as life's great under utilized opportunity.
    To what extent should we avoid the woman at the well, the whore in the marketplace, the rapper, to maintain our cleanness to enter the temple? A crowd full of Pharisees, of biblical scholars if you prefer :), might well have cast not only the first, but the fatal stone as well.
    But then, being anything but a scholar, how dare I? :(

    Paul Maddox

  3. We have had the Morris' from Reno with us this weekend. Their son is married to our granddaughter. They were here also. Sis Morris was a school teacher. I don't know wht her husband does. They loved San Clemente. I think we will see more of them. They are really nice. She took her thing out with your new message. She reads all your entries. She thinks you are really great, which I agree with!!

    Hope you are feeling better. We keep up with your progress from the Farrs. We still miss you a lot!

    Dolores & John LeSueur

  4. hno william agradezco sus mensajes me gustaria saber que llamamiento tienes en el iglesia y que ordenacion tienes en el sacerdocio y nuevamente gracias por sus mensajes son inspirados.

    gilberto antonio valencia Quiceno

  5. Thanks to you and Sister Riley for your efforts to lift us! As we read your thoughts, we are so grateful for where we are since accepting the gospel in 1961, and reminded of responsibilities that come with the opportunities given. We are blessed bu His work and glory far beyond any expectations.

    Jean Seavey

  6. Bill, thanks so much for these last three "Thoughts". I enjoy all of your thoughts, but these last three, especially part 2 of His Work and Glory, I really needed. I teach the 2nd Sunday lessons in Relief Society and I was having trouble just getting a good starting point for lesson 15. After reading your His Work and Glory thoughts, it all came together for me .

    Again, Thank You!

    Marilyn Curtis

  7. Mi querido presidente,muchas gracias por sus "pensamientos inspirados para un día de reposo", al igual que a ud. a mi también me conmueven esas historias como la de Evelinda y su familia, quienes convirtieron una debilidad en una fortaleza...eso me hizo reflexionar en cuanto al poco tiempo que, a veces, le dedicamos al padre para agradecerle, por estar bien, sin ninguna limitación física...pero tristemente a veces no nos damos cuenta que tenemos limitaciones espirituales...y eso es aún peor...Ese gran ejemplo de esa niña y otros, me han fortalecido mucho y sé que tengo una responsabilidad muy grande ante mi niño de 4 añitos de transmitirle esa fuerza para que nunca se canse de hacer lo bueno.
    Algo que hacemos junto con mi esposo es recalcarle a nuestro hijo "Tú Puedes"...que el sepa y sienta en su corazón que no está sólo, que puede confiar en Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo...A lo largo de todos estos años en la iglesia, cada dia me maravillo más del gran amor que el Padre siente por cada uno de sus hijos...Nuevamente mil gracias presidente por preocuparse por sus hijos de la Misión y seguir compartiendo sus inspiradas reflexiones, Dios le bendiga siempre! Cuídese mucho y sea felíz!

    con amor,

    Aura Thalliens

  8. gracias querido hno ,deseo que siga mejor y que tengas una bella semana...un abrazoteeeeeeeee y que PAPA DIOS te come de muchas bendiciones

    Luz E. Velasquez

  9. I always enjoy reading your "Thoughts" ~~ they are profound and written in language that is easily understood. Someday I hope you'll bind all of these "Thoughts" into a volume ~~ what a gift that would make for your posterity!

    Carla Johnson

  10. qurido hermano espero que se encuentre bien , extrañe sus pensamiendo de dia domingo que dios lo bendiga junto a su familia y amigos

    Isabel Moscoso
