Sunday, August 26, 2012


My sixth grade teacher, who was one of those who influenced my choice of careers, left a lasting impression on almost all of his students because of his rapport, enthusiasm and inventiveness in the classroom.

I remember that during one science unit we were trying to understand what caused plants to live, thrive and grow. Mister Beeson had the class set up the experiment so that we were able to watch the effect light, water and plant food would have on plants as they were exposed to various amounts of these elements. The process started with four young plants of the same variety in four different pots.

Plant A – Was named Patricia because it was to be the most spoiled plant, receiving perfectly measured amounts of light, water and plant food.

Plant B – Was named John because it was to be isolated, like some students do during recesses. It was put in the closet in the dark, but was give measured amounts of water and plant food.

Plant C – Was named Fred because it was to have nothing to do with water but was kept in the light and given plant food.

Plant D – Was eventually named Sally, as it became thinner and thinner, received light and water, but no food.

I don’t think we would have been able to name the plants in this day and age, since the names may have been attached because they resembled some characteristics of members of the class. I don’t remember for sure, but the names may have been attached by some of the insensitive boys in the class, while Mister Beeson had only labeled them with the generic A – B – C – D.

Within a very few days we were able to see the effects of the lack of even one of the essential life-giving elements upon the plants. Great sorrow came upon the class as first Fred, who dried up from thirst found his way to the garbage can. Then John, who we first saw turn from green to brownish-yellow, then became pale and wilted all alone in his dark closet was also relegated to the garbage can. Finally Sally, trying to live in soil which little by little had all the life sustaining minerals washed away, expired and was dumped. Only Patricia, who was constantly pampered with light, water and plant food, grew to become a vital plant with blooms of bright red.

Somewhere long after even Patricia had gone the way of all living things, I became aware that the Savior had taught that these three elements which are essential for all living things are also essential for the spiritual growth of those who would choose to follow Him. On different occasions He proclaimed that He was the light of the world and that from Him flowed the living waters and the bread of life.

It doesn’t take long before we observe those who absent themselves from the light, water and food of the Savior, suffer this same drying, wilting and expiring in their lives which we had seen happening to the plants in our sixth grade science experiment.

In many ways, the same sorrow I felt as I saw the demise of John, Fred and Sally, I now feel for the many I watch wandering in darkness, thirsty and hungry because they have no way to access these essential saving elements on their own. Many, like those ill-fated plants remain in this condition because those who have a bit of the Savior’s light, water and food withhold these life-giving substances. Some withhold because they lack commitment to share – others because they lack a conviction of universal brotherhood – there are those who don’t give of their light, water and food because they are selfish and don’t understand the law of heaven which declares that by giving of that which they have, much like the widow who fed Elijah, will have their own meager supply magnified.

In the experiment of life I see another group who have all the elements of life available to them, but deliberately go about, turning away from the true light, stumbling in the dimness provided by inadequate man-made artificial bulbs. They drown themselves in syrupy liquids which leave them with unquenched souls while walking along the banks of eternal rivers. They gluttonously devour the bounties of earthly harvests which blanch their bones leaving them lying upon parched deserts, bordered by waving fields of life-giving manna.

Unlike Plant A – Patricia, that ultimately came to the inevitable end of all mortal lives there is but one way to reach the full bloom of eternal lives, which comes by being illuminated by the Light of the World, by drinking deeply from the Fountain of Living Water, and by feasting upon the Bread of Life.


  1. Muchas Gracias por el mensaje que envió esta mañana LUZ AGUA y PAN. lo coloque en mi muro y entrara a mi temario de discursos, (reconociendo al autor)

    Ricardo Lopez Gomez

  2. Me encanto el mensaje

    Alexander Ospina Rubio

  3. HAY QUE LEERLO!!! En la medida que viajamos en nuestra vida, conosemos ejemplos de valor, que nos alludan a entender, el mejor camino que debemos tomar?

    Santiago Adaro Elgueda

  4. Hola.....

    Gracias de nuevo.hermosa reflexion............un abrazo

    clarita torres gonzales

  5. Bill, I really enjoyed reading this...

    Thanks, Tom Borgquist

  6. Bill Riley said, "In the experiment [experience] of life I see another group who have all the elements of life available to them, but deliberately go about, turning away from the true light, stumbling in the dimness provided by inadequate man-made artificial bulbs. They drown themselves in syrupy liquids which leave them with unquenched souls while walking along the banks of eternal rivers. They gluttonously devour the bounties of earthly harvests which blanch their bones leaving them lying upon parched deserts, bordered by waving fields of life-giving manna."

    I share Bill's grief, for I too see such a group; many such groups who sincerely believe that they drink deeply of that Living Water, eat from that Bread of Life and bask in the Light. Alas! I fear their water has been so filtered that many essential minerals are missing; their bread is refined to a portion of the nourishment it might have afforded, and the light is passed through a prism such that they only enjoy a portion of the Glorious Sunshine from which their limited light comes.

    "Oh Lord won't you give me a Mercedes Benz. My friends all have Porches I must make amends."

    A crass request from a crass woman made in a crass way.
    Dismiss it with disdain! There can be nothing of value there. We, the good folks, in order to maintain our purity of mind and spirit must surely avoid such content made in such a manner. When subjected we must close our ears and minds to the poison of the world. Refine, refine, refine to keep ourselves pure. Filter out those harmful rays. Allow in only that light that has been found to be purifying.

    Let us join hands together to filter and refine the content of this world. Where that fails, let us filter out that content, for ourselves, to achieve a suitable environment in which we and our children may thrive. No filter can be too fine!

    Alternately one might suggest that we make the much more demanding attempt to be fully engaged in this world, but not be seduced into being of this world. Nonsense! Whoever thought of that?

    Paul Maddox

  7. muchas gracias lo necesitaba ver de esa manera ...
    feliz dia

    sandra bravo

  8. Wonderful analogy, we can all relate with plants we have tried to grow. Tying it to the light, living water, and bread the Savior offers all, then applying that to our opportunity to share with others....Very nice!

    Thanks once again.

    Jean Seavey

  9. Gracias Gran Inspirador!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Que bueno sentir esta comunicación cada semana.

    Abrazo y Amor

    Tu Misionero Julio Medina

  10. Que bonita comparacion asi es que Dios nos permita crecer como la planta A y poder llevar ese sustento a los demas ...

    gracias hno Bill

    Yaneth Beatriz Díaz Rojas

  11. Hola, I am glad that none of the plants were named Bill. Guess your maestro and classmates knew even in the sixth grade that you had all the ingredients for joy and nourishment.
    Have a wonderful day, and gracias for the reminder of what is important in life.

    Bonnie Lynn

  12. hola william que inteligente y sabio eres te felicito, en la oratoria se utilizan tecnicas que han dado muchos resultados positivos y en la enseñanza se han mejorado dichas tecnicas. personalmente me gusta contar historias relacionados con el tema del discurso y en especial con mis alumnos de instituto comparto historias reales relacionadas con la lectura de clase . salimos todos edificados. gracias.

    que nuestro padre celestial te siga bendiciendo y nos siga bendiciendo con tus mensajes a propoSITO
    que llamamiento tienes.?

    gilberto antonio valencia Quiceno

  13. Presidente Riley quiero agradecerle por el mensaje que nos ha enviado titulado Luz-Agua-Pan Le agradesco de todo corazón por seguir inspirandonos y recordandonos del amor de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo.

    Nuevamente Muchas Gracias.

    Marco Tulio Guzman
