Sunday, October 15, 2017


Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:7)

The counsel I gave last Sunday would be good to consider for this week also. A quick review of parts one and two of this series of Thoughts will be a great help in understanding this week’s Thought.

The problem with going through the exercises we learn while in the classrooms of the Level one curriculum or ‘Shedding my Telestialness’ has several faults. If I am constantly in a state of trying to shed the natural mortal telestial tendencies, then I will find myself like the dog who is continually returning to its vomit.

Therefore, we learn that it is not a good idea to complete all the courses in Level One of Heavenly Father’s Eternal Curriculum before embarking on Level Two. It has been postulated the more the principles of Level One we can permanently make part of our souls, the easier it will be to Clothe Ourselves in Terrestrialness.

There are even those who advocate that progression towards eventual graduation can come about more smoothly and rapidly by concentrating on the practices learned in Level two classrooms. Those who are of these particular leanings seem convinced of the concept that if a person concentrates on Clothing themselves with Terrestrialness that one mindedness will automatically result in the Shedding of one’s Telestialness.

Perhaps a sample of some of the subjects offered in the Level two curriculum will help us understand why some would counsel us to become aware of the principles taught in the classroom of Level one, but put our major efforts into learning and practicing the principles learned in Level two of the Lord’s curriculum.

Subject – The Robe of Harmony

Principle one – Bringing one’s physical body into harmony with their spiritual body

Principle two – Widening my circle of harmonious relationships

Principle three – Prayerfully studying the Word to help me put on the Robe of Harmony

Principle four – Become an active proselyte of the principles of harmony

Subject – The Robe of Cooperation

Principle one – The science of listening without formulating counter arguments

Principle two – The art of adding to another’s words and ideas

Principle three – Prayerfully studying the Word to help me put on the Robe of Cooperation

Principle four – Become an active proselyte of the principles of cooperation

Subject – The Robe of a Publisher of Peace

Principle one – Understanding the author and philosophies of the perpetrators of war

Principle two – Understanding the Author and doctrines of the Publisher of Peace

Principle three – Prayerfully studying the Word to help me put on the Robe of Publishing Peace

Principle four – Become an active proselyte of the principles of Peace

Subject – The Robe of Inclusiveness

Principle one – Understanding the shared mortal and Eternal parentage of all mankind

Principle two – Believing the principle of the mortal and Eternal parentage of all mankind

Principle three – Prayerfully studying the Word to help me put on the Robe of Inclusiveness

Principle four – Become an active proselyte of the principles of Inclusiveness

You have undoubtedly picked up on there being a practicum in each subject where we are to learn what the Lord has said about clothing oneself with a terrestrial attribute and then going forth to teach and help others understand these attributes. It seems our mortal-ness has a propensity to regress to former levels if we do not make them our own and we likewise have learned the best way to give a principle permanent place in our makeup is to become a person who publicly proselytes the principles they believe.

As we pause our ponderings on Heavenly Father’s Level two curriculum, a word of caution might be appropriate. If we do not enter the graduate classrooms of Level three – Receiving the attributes of Celestialness or Becoming like Heavenly Father through His Grace, there is a strong possibility we will find ourselves among the ranks of those who seem to be doomed to being perpetual students going through the repetitive motions of alternately retaking and practicing the principles learned in the classrooms of Level one – Shedding my Telestialness and those learned and practiced in the classrooms of Level two – Clothing myself with Terrestrialness.

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
(2 Timothy 3:7)

(To be continued)



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