Sunday, August 11, 2019


As I was reading chapters 8 and 9 of the Book of Mosiah in The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ, the question of why I currently am who I am came back into my mind. This question has constantly buffeted around in my consciousness for many decades. Specifically, it was verse 16 of chapter nine, it was the traditions of their fathers that caused them to remain in a state of ignorance, which caused me to revisit this plaguing quandary of why I am me.

How much influence does my ‘fleshly clothed premortal spirit being’ have in influencing why I have become me during mortality?

How much influence have my parents had as contributors to why I have become me during mortality?

How much have mentors and individual study influenced why I have become me during mortality?

How much have pigmentation, place, education, career, trials and blessings influenced why I have become me during mortality?

The easy answer seems to be the fall back answer on all multiple choice questions, all of the above, but it also causes one to ponder on why my journey was what it was.

Why did my premortal spirit being which has been clothed in my physical tabernacle become what it is?

Why was I blessed to be born of goodly parents, while others were born in households plagued by traditions of ignorance?

Why did I have the advantage of unlimited sources of books and mentors, while others had scant interaction with them?

Why was I born who and where I was and had advantageous life experiences while others portion of these blessings was miniscule in comparison?

I apologize for introducing this personal ‘why I am me’ struggle I have had during my life to any who may have been at peace and not have struggled with the question. It may be helpful for those who have likewise struggled to know that because I have had this on going query I have become less myopic in by views of nationalities, governments and religions along with all the other prejudices which tend to divide the populace of the world. Likewise, it has caused me to become deeply converted to the universality of the kinship of the earth’s inhabitance and the oneness of our Eternal Parentage. Finally, it has caused me to greatly expand my thoughts about my earthly probationary period and its influence on why I am me, to not only include all that I am becoming during my present mortal journey, but all I became during my premortal existence, and all that I will become during my eternal post mortal existence.

If I haven’t given you sufficient material to ponder, let me add just a few more questions which you might spend a few minutes thinking about.

Why would the spec of time called mortality, completely erase the influences of my premortal state or negate the influences of my everlasting post-mortal existence?

Why would the influences of my earthly parentage outweigh the influences of having been nurtured by Exalted Parents during my premortal state and the continuous post-mortal work and glory of my Heavenly Father in molding who I will be eternally?

Why would the advantages or disadvantages of the personal availability of the minute amount of knowledge we have available during mortality be more of an influence on forming who I am eternally, more than the omniscience available in the realms of Deity?

When all of the mortal causes of prejudices are removed, does it not stand to reason that Zionistic oneness mortals seldom achieve will become the norm?

Just a few last comments about who I have been, why I am currently me and who I will be eternally and how this understanding demands accountability for what I do with my life.

The only reason Heavenly Father blesses us with advantages during mortality is so that we can be instruments, as were Alma and Amulek, in His service to invite His children to come unto Christ.

When we have committed ourselves to the Prince of Peace we are thereby enlisted in his army of Publishers of Peace and denouncers of all contention.

We must all come to the understanding that being blessed with more than is sufficient for our needs is not given to us to provide a personal luxurious lifestyle, but so that we can clothe the naked, feed the hungry and lift the heads which hang low.

We will not add to becoming who we will be throughout the eternities while here on earth, unless we become dedicated to putting upon ourselves the attributes, characteristics and perfections of God.

May the Spirit of the Lord so attend and influence us this week and always so that with the help of our Creator we may step forward on our extensive path of becoming who we were created to become.




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