Sunday, January 26, 2020


While I was rereading the account of Korihor in chapter 31 of the Book of Alma in The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ, many of the self-talks I have had during my life came rushing back into my mind, about how some people would rather spend their lives saying and doing all they can to destroy the lives and beliefs of others rather than being advocates of building and strengthening.

This choice of a mission of life becomes even murkier to me when the antagonists are converted and committed to the destruction of another’s chosen path.

Korihor was completely dedicated to the convincing of the members of Christ’s Church that no one could know of things to come; therefore, there was no such thing as the spirit of prophecy, therefore, there was no Christ nor an Atonement. He also taught that the teachings of Alma about the Fall of Adam and Eve were not true, that there were no consequences for one’s choices and that when one died, that was the end of their existence.

Besides preaching against the beliefs of the Church of Christ, Korihor also used the argumentative methodology of demeaning, distracting and diverting, which is usually employed by those who wish to destroy rather than build. He claimed Alma had a frenzied mind (a rather unique way to say you believe someone is crazy), that Alma was just a blind follower of the traditions of his fathers and was unable to prosper according to his own genius.

Korihor’s teachings were readily accepted by those who wanted to managed their own lives without any restraints nor laws, believing that whatever a person did was OK. It should come as no surprise that those who chose to follow him set their hearts on wickedness rather than goodness, whoredoms rather than virtue and control rather than cooperation.

It was also interesting that Korihor’s truth was relative and, therefore, he did not feel bound by absolute truth, because whatever shifting thoughts he believed were his truth.

Korihor was referred to as an Anti-Christ because he aimed his destructive preaching at the beliefs of Christ’s Church, but I really believe his selfish makeup would have pushed him to be ‘Anti’ anything which put restriction on him or his choices.

In my mind one of the blessings of having been born always seeing the glass half full, is that even when mulling over a negative account such as the one of Korihor, it isn’t long before the light at the end of the tunnel is seen and leads me to a brighter view.

The Anti – Anti World which lies in my soul

I have chosen to begin this section of this Sabbath Day’s Thought with Sports for two reasons; first, in the eternal scope of life it isn’t really all that important and second, I think in that arena I am able to lay a proper foundation about the world I would love to have lived in, which I would love to be living in and the one I hope to live in eternally.

In what undoubtedly is the last quarter of my mortal life the only sporting events which I will sit and watch in their entirety are golf and volleyball.

I am pretty sure that the reason these two sports continue to hold my short term attention for a longer period of time is that the majority of time I played them, it was in a self policed environment. I am not sure I would have retained the same attitude if I had played in more structured games. In golf, although I often played with optional rules I was the official who called my own penalties. Likewise, in volleyball in our casual games we called our own net violations and carries.

Although I played a lot of organized games with balls, my favorite game with a baseball was over the line, a game where a single or any other hit was determined by an uncaught ball going beyond a certain line. Never any arguments about being safe of out. My favorite basketball games were pick up games in the driveway shooting at a lopsided hoop hooked to the garage. If we kept score or not it didn’t really matter.

When I was Stake President one of the things I tried to initiate was open cultural hall night’s to replace the inter-ward competition. I only got as far as eliminating paid referees, but I considered it a start in the right direction.

It is kind of like having to explain a joke, but I suspect there are many who just shrugged their shoulders and said what was that all about. Well, I dream of a world where the rules are known and lived without any outside influence having to enforce them, a world where cooperation replaces competition, a world where calmness replaces anger and a world where integrity is unwavering.

Do what is right!

The next area I want to spend some time talking about is Religion, because I believe it has not only been a major contributor to the making of a better world, but also has caused a great deal of harm and suffering to mankind.

In response to a newspaper editor’s query about the fundamental beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Prophet Joseph Smith wrote what have become The Articles of Faith and are found in the canonized scripture of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called the Pearl of Great Price. The eleventh of those thirteen articles states the following.

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

What a different history would have been written if our ancestors would have believed and adhered to these words. What a different world we would live in if the current religions which exist in the world today would believe and adhere to these words. There is no doubt that the promised millennial peace can only happen if those who live during that period believe and adhere to such words.

Sadly, I find many within the confines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who either do not believe the words found in the eleventh article of faith or in spite of believing they fail to adhere to the precepts found therein. I am sure this is one of those ‘cleaning of the inner vessel’ things which must take place before the Savior can take His place as the Millennial King.

Let us speak no ill!

Although I seldom find pleasure in writing about them, I feel a need to write something about Governments and Politics. I find that most of my thoughts and discussions about these groups end by sadly uttering ‘pox on all their houses’. The only enjoyment I have in this arena is when I am writing my tongue in cheek Non Political Party Party Posts (N3P).

I have previously written about my journey through the changes in political rhetoric during my life. However, I can’t resist adding a few additional points.

There is little doubt that if we were to cast a net to gather those in our world who are currently the leaders of the ‘Anti’ philosophy, our most fruitful catch would happen if we were to cast our net where those in government and politics reside.

I believe our world wouldn’t be in such constant turmoil if there were some way to confine the epidemic spreading of the ‘Anti’ philosophy emanating from the houses and thrones of governments, but sadly, their influence is so powerful that few citizens are able to withstand being infected by the tsunami of negativism.

From my experience on Face Book the counsel of the Apostles and Prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to be civil in our conversations, seems to have been mostly unable to stay the tide of the ‘Anti’ political bickering of many of the members.

A little child shall lead them!

In spite of it being caught in a downward spiral of dysfunction I feel I would be amiss if I did not spend a few lines talking about the Family.

Until and unless we eliminate ‘Anti’ philosophical, speaking and acting from the basic unit of humanity there is little hope of our reversing the trend of ‘finding a better way’ which the world constantly uses in its effort to destroy this foundational unit with ‘Anti’ family verbiage.

I feel the solution resides in the family itself.

Belittling banter between family members will never co-exist with the goal of having a heavenly home.

Backbiting and gossip about family members will never strengthen the walls of our refuge from the ravaging wolves of the world.

The ‘Anti’ verbiage against the family will not destroy this God appointed unit, but ‘Anti’ expressions within the walls of home will cause it to fall.

I am a child of God!

In conclusion I add the word of Alma as an antidote to the rapidly consuming disease of ‘Anti’ we find in the world today.

And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just—yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them—therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God. (Alma 31: 5)

Speak no evil!

I have no ability to change the world that was. I have no ability to change the world that will be. Therefore, let me attempt to change the world a little today by living my life free of being ‘Anti’.




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