Sunday, October 21, 2018


Although I deviated from the formula for covering the Isaiah passages when Nephi was reading from Isaiah chapters 2 – 14 and recording them in his own writing in 2 Nephi 12 – 24, as I write this Thought based on 2 Nephi 27 or Isaiah 29 I will once again use the following guidelines; first, that I might succeed in my efforts to demonstrate what Nephi was trying to have his people understand from the passages of Isaiah he was quoting; second, I will be able to faithfully include Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s chapter preface statements in the English LDS edition of the Bible with some additional brief personal comments which will not distract from his interpretation of Isaiah’s words; third, that I might succeed in my efforts to communicate a very personal meaning I am receiving at the moment; and fourth, that perhaps I might succeed in my efforts to provide a stimulus for whoever might be reading my Thoughts that week to seek their own individual instructions from the words of Isaiah.

Second Nephi 27, 28

Nephi’s explanation to his people about Chapter 29 of Isaiah:

Nephi uses what to us is an unfamiliar use of the word constrained, when he says he has been constrained by the Spirit to prophecy of things which will surely come to pass.

He foretold of a book of great worth to his seed and to the remnants of the House of Israel which would be written and come forth.

He taught that in the day when the book came forth, churches would built up, but not unto the Lord and could be identified because their priests would contend one with another, these priests, because they denied the utterances of the Holy Spirit would be left to teach their own learning. They would deny the power of God to the point of teaching that God had done his work of redemption and would not perform miracles any longer, hence, He was no longer active but had given his power to men.

The teachings of these false churches would include the philosophy of live and enjoy the moment, because any wrong would bear very few consequences from God.

They would work in darkness thinking they could hide their doctrines of foolishness devised by their puffed up hearts.

These churches will be identified by the characteristics of pride, robbing the poor, persecuting the meek and poor in heart and the wearing of costly apparel.

He foresees another group who will be lulled away into carnal security, into thinking whatever they are doing is OK.

He also sees those who hearken to the words of God and build their lives upon the Rock of Salvation and build their lives line upon line learning wisdom from the counsel of the Lord.

It only takes a few sentences of reading Nephi’s teaching to his people about what he had read from the words of Isaiah for us to understand that he was struck with the perilous conditions his posterity would be facing in that future era he had seen in revelation.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s preface statements from Isaiah 29 and 2 Nephi 27:

A people (the Nephites) will speak as a voice from the dust.

The Apostasy, restoration of the gospel, and coming forth of a sealed book (the Book of Mormon) are foretold.

Darkness and apostasy will cover the earth in the last days.

The Book of Mormon will come forth. Three witnesses will testify of the book.

The learned man will say he cannot read the sealed book.

The Lord will do a marvelous work and a wonder.

We quickly become aware that Elder McConkie wanted the saints of the restored church to glean that Isaiah had seen in vision the restoration of the Lord’s Kingdom in the latter days and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon as the firm foundation upon which it would be built.

Personal meanings I received as I reviewed these chapters:

It may have been as a result of a conversation Kathleen and I had during breakfast this morning, and perhaps it could be because I see it as such a perilous condition of our present day world, but my thoughts were moved to pondering upon verse 21 and 22 of Second Nephi chapter 28.

And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.

Lucifer, from the very beginning, believed unwaveringly in the use of force which makes the Eternal Principle of Agency null and void. I have long believed that the awful chains Nephi speaks of here come upon us as we ironically use our Agency to heed his whisperings and yield our ability to choose to his binding flatterings.

I am absolutely certain that Satan has no preference what whispered lie we choose to forge the links of the chain which causes us to lose our inability to use our Agency, just as long as we continue to add link to link until we are securely bound.

The words of living Apostles and Prophets have made our task of identifying the devilish whisperings which are blaring around the world easy to recognize.

We have been warned against mind numbing substances which are always presented as ‘just one will never harm you’. Yet the whisperings bind even the very elect!

We have been warned about the mind controlling effects of pornography and coveting a neighbor’s wife. Yet the whisperings bind even the
very elect!

We have been warned about the siren effect of putting our hearts upon riches. Yet the whisperings bind even the very elect!

We have been warned about the controlling of lives which comes from seeking honor and fame. Yet the whisperings bind even the very elect!

We have been warned and forewarned. Yet the whisperings bind even the very elect!

In my own little world of meager understanding, I have attempted to build upon a creed which first proclaims that anything I choose to do which will lessen my ability to keep my use of Agency totally valid should be shunned and, second, warns that anything which causes me to lose humility and become prideful thinking I am the master of myself, makes me vulnerable to the soul binding whisperings of he who has always desired to use force over freedom.

Readers thoughts as they read this Thought and reviewed the words of Isaiah and Nephi:



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